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How much time do you spend reading email? - sm

Posted: Jun 24, 2015

My QC sends out these extremely wordy emails several times a week.  I end up skimming them, for a couple reasons.  One, because I work on so many different accounts/hospital sites that I'm truly never going to retain any of the information anyway. Second, and most importantly, I DON'T GET PAID TO READ THEM! This can't be legal and has been bugging me forever.  Do they seriously think we get paid enough per line to "compensate" reading email?? What do you all do?

If its not in the CP, dont pertain to me. - File 13... garbage!

[ In Reply To ..]
I refuse to dig through pages and pages of emails looking for anything that pertains to "X" account for each report that pops up. When I did one account, I could keep track of their mess... not with 20 accounts!

Takes me long enough to mark them and delete - them..

[ In Reply To ..]
Their emails make about as much sense as their CPs do, none...Don't expect me to remember every little thing that every doctor does. Its not possible. You want it, put it in the CP..If I remember, I will, fix it, if not, oh well..

Exactly! - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
When the QC sends emails pertaining to one specific dictator at a hospital, someone I may or may not get today, tomorrow, or in a week, what is the point of reading that?? What a waste of time! I remember the days, oh so long ago, when I had one account, many facilities within that account, but still, one account, this was understandable to receive this information regarding specific dictators. Now it's just silly!

Don't get enough to matter - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
I don't know if I should be worried or relieved (actually who am I kidding, I'm relieved, lol) that I don't get enough emails for it to matter. I get audits once a week sometimes not even then, backlog and TAT. That's it. No CP changes, no additions, no "don't do this on this account, but do it on this one," no "this doctor doesn't like this," no "it's Howdy Doody time." It's gotten to the point where I don't read them until I can't stand to see my inbox so full. lol

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