A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Had my Exit Interview today - Freebird

Posted: Aug 05, 2013

Had my exit interview today and was BRUTALLY honest.  I would like to think I helped the rest of ya all still in this business, but probably not.  I explained in very frank words that twice working for Medqust/M Modal was two times too many.  On the question of how M Modal can maintain a low turnaround in employees and make working with them better, I went with STOP off-shoring all the work, STOP the NJA, STOP the threats of firing with a failed audit.  Keeping the work in the US will solve many of their problems except for their greed, which hopefully will be what ends them in the long-run.  Probably won't do any good, but I tried....

If you really want to help post your experience on social media - facebook, twitter

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there is a lady on here making an anti MModal FB page

Could mention about the fact that HIPAA laws do not apply overseas as well. - nm

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hipaa laws apply to all agents of a company - nm

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Apply? Yes. Enforced? No. - nm
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OUR laws cannot be enforced in another country. - nm
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Sneding the information in medical reports - to India
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To me, is a violation of Homeland Security. My pain doc agrees and only gives to local company, I love that man!!! But on the same page, all your IRS documentation is sent to India as well. Soooo,,,,they have all your personal data. And we wonder why identity theft is rampant lately?
LOL sending that is..I am developing dyslexia - with age..sorry ;-)
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Our tax returns - are processed in
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India? I knew Mass. used to send their welfare paperwork there, but our federal tax returns? How do you know. Never heard this before.

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