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Do they actually do exit interviews? - HangingInThere

Posted: Apr 07, 2015

I was reading in the employee handbook where it says that like to do exit interviews when an employee voluntarily terminates employment. Do they actually do that?

I have read accounts on here from time to time that someone - did one, but that has been several months

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Maybe up to a year ago now. No more recently than that.

With hundreds quitting each month (seemingly) it would seem to be an impossible job to keep up with.

They don't even have monthly meetings - anymore

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Undoubtedly due to the inevitable lambasting/negative feedback from the MTs

Speaking of meetings... - me2

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Weren't we supposed to be having some as well as receive an FAQ e-mail on the new and exciting compensation plan? There are only 3 days left now before we switch. Where are my answers, Nuance?

i'm hoping - OHMT

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they don't change it. you're right, we were supposed to be provided with a FAQ sheet on most frequently asked questions but have received nothing. i'm hoping someone in legal is in the process of discovering how illegal and unethical this whole thing is.
FAQs might be on Enrich site sm - H
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That is where the FAQs showed up earlier this year for the rest of us on other platforms. Never received notification of the 2nd round of FAQs, but found them on Enrich.
i just checked - OHMT
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and can find nothing regarding either?

They are afraid to have teleconferences anymore... - They know their "exciting"

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pay plans are a bunch of BS, and during the calls the MTs aren't shy about expressing their disgust.
My team lead's boss called me once - sm
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Just to check in and I let her have it. Never heard back from her again. LOL!

Not surprising - since

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the day of the S-hit-the-fan meeting, the 'update' e-mails were sent later in the day, per usual containing cheerleader-type verbiage and making no mention of what had just transpired. It's the 'head in the sand' approach to management...so dismissive and demeaning, not to mention cold-hearted. But we're just their robotrons, after all, so their non-reaction/non-followup communication was status quo and to be expected.

fear - nearlydefeated

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They are afraid of us having any sort of unity, even on a conference call. I understand some teams just recently went back to receiving individual metrics rather than the weekly group metrics. They want us to be as uninformed as possible about what is going on with other MLS. That allows them to tell us things like we are the only one on the team to not be meeting the minimum line count and things of that sort. From every possible angle, from the pay cuts and the way they treat us to the incessant lies and efforts to keep the MLS in the dark, this has got to be the most despicable company I have ever heard of.

They just send you a questionnaire. - It is useless

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I guess I answered wrong. I was never told I was on the rehire list and wasn't contacted to come back like I heard many were.

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