A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I had an interview today, its in-house, temp, to catch up. sm - Its probably for 2 months. sm

Posted: Jul 24, 2013

I am still reeling from this sit-down.  I interviewed with the hiring manager of a huge medical group in this fairly large city.  I got her opinion on the future of MT.  This group wants to get caught up on everything because they are converting to EHR.  So, there is a temp position available.  Its $18 an hour.  Just like the old days.  

She told me that, as a manager, in her opinion, MT is gone.  She was a true skeptic and had a wait and see attitude about the EHR but from what she was seeing, their practice planned on keeping 2 out of 8 MTs just for added assurance to clean up any EHR mess that arose.  

She didn't think MT would disappear from the earth like the dinos but thought most clinic MTs would be unnecessary in a few years.  Their practice uses SR.  

I hope I get this job.  Even for two months, it will help so much.  More than that, she's someone to know in this town and that networking is priceless.




Good luck! - sm

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As we all know, MT is dying but, like you said, networking is priceless! I am using every connection I know right now just to get out of MT as I am studying in a new field. Yes, it's not always what we know, it's also an added bonus who we know. I so wish you the very best of luck! :)

Thank you so much! - sm

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This hiring manager and I had exchanged a few emails and really connected. I told her that basically, I was at the end of the road with college prerequisites. I'm in my 40s and know I need to move into a different field, etc. But I mentioned medical assistant to her. She strongly disagreed with that decision. It haunted me over a few days. Because of her opinions, I enrolled in the last 2 semesters of pre nursing so I can apply to an R.N. program next year. It is so enlightening to hear the opinions of someone in her position. Honestly, I sat back and told her wryly, it was she that sent me back for 2 semesters and R.N. applications. Honestly to see her face at that moment. A fist pump happened. If I don't get the temp job, that's okay. I may not. Someone may test faster or whatever than I do. But I got a network connection.

Cleaning up the mess - My experience

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That manager is giving you best case scenario, plan on being around for a while to "clean up the mess." We've been on an EHR system (starts with E) for more than 2 years and are still "cleaning up messes." Your experience may be different, but there are going to be providers who will still want to do traditional dictation, and they will probably need people to edit the VR. If they outsource, they may need clerical staff on site. Your temp job may turn into permanent full-time. If it does not, you will be in a good spot to try for other things from within. Good luck, I hope you get it.

very good points. - best wishes to the OP!

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I hope she gets it, too. You made some great points. Managers frequently underestimate and under-assess these "clean-up" issues. The OP may be in a good position to end up with more than just a 2-month gig.

I've been "cleaning up the mess" - al

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for over 3 years. The hospital wanted total VR but there are too many gltiches, MD quirks, STATS and no station available, to keep me busy 8 days a week. Good luck.

Good luck! - nm

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System manager concurs - sm - In-House Lead

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My manager is openly saying that MT is dead. With Epic, we are seeing about an 80% reduction in dictation volumes -- in keeping with what the other systems in this area have experienced. She is actively shepherding us into other positions within HIM or something similar (i.e., the most tech savvy amongst us are now training, at her behest, with the Epic support team).

She can envision a time within the next three years where there isn't even a transcription manager here; what duties remain will be dumped upon the coding manager or someone in documentation integrity and the three people left in the department needed to clear the interface error queues will report to that manager. She is figuring she will be forced to retire before she's really ready.

Despite all this, there are still people in this department who are in complete denial.

To the OP: Congratulations on this! I really do hope you get it, even if it is temporary. If you prove you are the employee of the century, it's very possible something could open up in HIM for you. I also do think this assignment is going to last for more than just two months. Volunteer for every task, no matter how menial. This is how doors open. :)

I really think we are seeing the end of MT and your Lead is - doing the decent thing. OP/sm

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Warning people and trying to identify skill sets and move people into other positions is really admirable. Not everyone is doing that at the corporate level.

Funny you should mention what you did. She basically echoed what you posted above in terms of keeping a couple people. One advantage I have? I'm used to living down here in the MT jungle where its eat and run like heck to not get eaten. I work by the line, babies! I've got 2 months to show you what simultaneously working on 11 teaching hospital's accounts for 7 cents a line does to one's skill set. :-) Hah.

By helping them set up EHR, don't you feel you're - contributing a small bit to demise of MT?

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If not her, then someone else. The technology is here - that train has already left the station

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EMR/EHR is here to stay. That DOES NOT mean transcription is going the way of the dodo, it just means it's on the endangered list. There are still a lot of EMR systems that use transcription. Even if everything converted to voice recognition tomorrow, someone still needs to edit the output. That may be the doctors themselves, as we have already seen in some situations, but more than likely it's someone like those of us on this board. The real question is, will the editing being done at the big ugly national MTSO's ever get back to a point where it's a wage people can live on.

I have seen some of these reports edited by doctors - YUK - nm

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You should see the recommendation letter I got from one of my - MT25
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former client/physicians. He used VR to do it. I'm embarrassed to show it to a prospective employer (which I haven't found yet. However, maybe it will make a point, huh? It's got three errors right off the bat and spelled my name way wrong.

It beats the alternative - My experience

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It is time to realize that the EHR and all that it entails is here. None of us who accept HIM or MT related jobs during the conversion are contributing to the demise of MT. We are accepting the fact that MT as we knew it is gone. The people who are able to do that and move on are the ones who will remain standing. There is also the little issue of being able to eat, pay bills and keep roofs over our heads.

Agree completely. (nm) - In-House Lead

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contributing a small bit to demise of MT?? I dont - think so. She has the

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opportunity to make $18 an hour for the next couple of months on top of getting her foot in the door to a large hospital which could open up even more doors of opportunity. I agree with the person above who said "the train has already left the station."

She is making a wise decision by exploring her future options. She by no means can contribute to the demise of an industry that is already on its way out the door. As someone else said, if she does not take the job someone else gladly will and I wish her all the best in whatever career choice she decides to make.

Good for you! - Yay!

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I hope you get the job! I'm so excited for you! We all are (I would hope). Make the most of those 2 months and cherish every penny. I hope this temp job turns into something permanent for you, maybe in management in a different department.

I got the job! Thank you everyone for your positive thoughts. - OP

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Yay!!!! Yay!!! and triple Yay for you! So glad - you got the job...sm

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The 2 months or so you spend working in that position (hopefully longer) maybe consider getting your CNA - It's not a very lengthy course. I say this because you expressed intrest in getting your RN and if you can get a job working weekends as a patient care tech (CNA) you can go to school full-time during the week.

That is how I was able to go to school and support 3 kids and keep a roof over my head. I worked three 12 hour shifts over the weekend and it was like a full-time pay check and it paid off, definitly something worth checking into. Another idea is to go through a short phlebotomy course, you can get a job as a lab tech working weekends also in the hospital and possibly doing 12 hour shifts so your week days are free for school full-time.

I took a phlebotomy course through my local community college years ago and recently took a refresher and worked in the lab today at my current job (we are required to get 30 blood draws in to be deemed competent again) and now I am able to do phlebotomy on my job - I work for a huge health network and am currently working as an MOA (medical office assistant) so it makes me more of an asset on my job. They also offer EKG courses and things like that, which I will be taking full advantage of.

Sorry so winded, but I just left MT 3 months ago after 10 years and I am also 40, so I am basically starting all over again work wise and God has definitely been good to me. I have only been with this health network 3 months, but they are very large and believe in continuing education. My goal is to eventually move out of the clinic setting (Medical Office Assistant) and back into the hospital setting working weekends so I too can go back and finish out my nursing degree.

Good luck!!! Im so happy for you. Use this opportunity to your advantage. I wish you many blessings!

That's a fantastic idea. It really is. I will look into it. - Thanks! nm

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Congratulations! I hope it leads to much - more!

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