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Is there anything good about M-Modal and Nuance? - getting desparate

Posted: Dec 25, 2013

I've reached the point where I'll work for almost any company, even M-Modal or Nuance, if it means I can get a steady paycheck.  My current company is going down the tubes fast.  I've hung in here as long as I possibly can, but I think it's an exercise in futility. 

Does anyone at M-Modal or Nuance have any positive experiences, or is it really as bad as all the posts make it sound?  Surely there must be "something" good, or they wouldn't have so many thousands of MTs working for them.  But then again, maybe not.  Ugh.  I never thought it would come to this.

Good - Anon

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The only good thing I can say is that any money coming in is better then none. I'm looking.

I'm at MM. They pay on time - and my TSM

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Pretty much leaves me alone. Some of my accounts aren't bad. 99.6% accuracy sucks. Good luck to you!

am with with you, MM pays on time. I like my accounts and my TSM - just wish it paid more

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I get the days off I ask for, they pretty much leave me alone. I am back in school and have a back up plan but right now I am happy with life at MModal. I honestly wish I could just hit Fantasy 5 for enough to pay off my house and bills and I would be happy working with M2 for the $12 average it pays but like I said, i'm back in school because of the pay cut. I really dread getting back out into the public and working but I don't see any way around it.
I could never get used to a company that SM - May
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monitors every minute/second you are on or off the system, keystrokes, typing or not typing, monitors your potty breaks,etc., not matter how great they are otherwise. I could think of very few jobs where they would get by with this, in-house or at-home jobs.

Furthermore, I seriously doubt they would get by with this if this were an industry dominated by MEN - who probably would not let themselves be pushed around so easily.
Wow if they monitor like that, I should have been fired long ago - goodness knows...sm
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i have taken my fair share of breaks and even ran down the street to the grocery store and nobody has ever said a word to me.
The sad thing is SM - Me2
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why you should have to "run" in the first place.

Are they actually paying for our time? Then we shouldn't have to account for every second of it.
Yeah true, but I never punch out for breaks. - nm
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GOOD ABOUT MM.... ARE U KIDDING! - gltrgrammi
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There is nothing good about MM, except we are paid on time. That's it!! Since they bought out the former company I worked for my pay has dropped about $1200 a month. I am now making between $10-14 an hour; pretty pathetic considering I used to make about $32-35 an hour. Totally controlling, monitoring your every move It's ridiculous! It's kind of like being in prison, in your own home. I asked them is this really necessary, and got no response. My advice to you, get any other job you can find, Walmart (truly they make more than us with benefits), retail, fast food. Trust me, ANYTHING is better than MM. Never been so miserable in my life. The reason people stay, because there isn't much out there, unless you want nights or weekends only; I'm not willing to do either, but I am still looking and praying something else will turn up. One good thing, I am on SS, so I don't have much longer to put up with this ____!
If you are old enough for SS, you are certainly old enough - SM
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to go potty by yourself without big brother/sister looking over your shoulder & "timing" you. (No disrespect intended, only IMHO.)

mm - anon2

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I have worked for MM for about 10 years. The company used to be wonderful but not anymore. They do pay on time and some of the account are not too bad but you we are constantly running out of work and each time you get used to change, another one comes up. Constant change and constant restructuring. No bonus,no incentive, no raises... In fact, I have made way less than half of what I made a year or two ago... decreasing pay... all negative changes....it is a terrible place - they do nothing for their employees but bring them down and beat them down. All support is from India an I do not know if others with mm experience this but finding another job after being here is pretty much impossible. I have tried and tried now for six months and no response or replies from anyone that I have applied with. In the 10-11 years, I have had 10 different supervisors and they too, depending on who you get, can either make it a little better or a much worse place to be....
What are their pay days, twice monthly SM - Lou
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or every 2 weeks? I've applied with them & would appreciate any info. Thx.
Every two weeks - Obi Wan
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and "may the force be with you."

MModal..not really. It is pretty much the worst place I've worked in 20 years..sm - Dead and dying

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Not of my own choice as we were taken over. They pay on time, but I really loathe the place. Five months to go?

I had a positive experience working for MModal - see message

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I was acquired through my hospital outsourcing our dept to them. I was a tier 3 making 6 cents per line for editing and 10 cents per line for straight typing. I hardly ever got straight typing though.

At any rate, I always had work & on the days I didn't average much an hour it was because I wasn't focused. They had MME's for QA and they were not allowed to grade your reports, basically just fill in blanks. We had quality coaches that did audits. I was there almost 2 years and only had one audit.

I thought it was a pretty peaceful job. Nobody bothered me and the only emails I got regularly were from my supervisor (forgot what they call them..TSM?? maybe). Those emails were just the daily stats for the accounts on our team. I worked in the North region. I left about 7 or 8 months ago for a non-MT job, but would have stayed on part-time if they didn't require 24 hours a wk.

Best I can tell is to give it a shot, everyone's experience is different and who knows, yours might not be too bad.

P.S. - One good thing about

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working for the big companies like Nuance and MModal is that you don't have to worry about not getting paid on time. My check was deposited into my account on time faithfully, like clockwork. I know with some of the smaller companies that can sometimes be a concern if they are lose accounts and such. I have read posts on here where people were late getting paid and some posts where people didn't get paid at all.

At least with the larger companies like MM and Nuance, they are pretty reputable and the chances of not getting paid are slim to none. So that's something to consider.

Like the first poster said, some money coming in is better than no money at all. Good luck. Apply at both and go with which ever hires you first. Worse case scenario, at least you will have a paycheck coming in until you find better if it turns out you don't like it. You gotta do what you gotta do.

How do we get paid? SM - SamMT

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Is it via mailed check or via PayPal or debit card or something of the sort?

(I was involved in a bankruptcy several months ago due to a jointly-held business & now am reluctant to hold a checking or savings account for direct deposit.)

How To Get Dir Deposit - sefrost53

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You can always buy one of those cards where you put money on them and use it like a regular debit card and direct deposit account. One is called Green Card or something like that. Google it.

MM insurance is better; 500 deductible vs 2500 at Nuance. . SM - stuckatNuance

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wish I hadn't left MM but I did, and without notice, so they won't hire me back.

Yes insurance is good and reasonable premium. - for just me I paid like $30 or $40 a pay-period.

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I won't need insurance - OP

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Forgot to mention that I already have excellent insurance with my full time university job, which is not MT-related. 

So are you just looking for part-time work? - you said you work for a university..sm

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If so, you should be fine working for nuance or mmodal. You dont need insurance. I would think either will do since they wont be your primary source of income. Your original post sounded like you were strictly relying on your current company. Good luck, hope you find what your looking for soon.
need part-time only - OP
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Right....I need part-time hours as an MT.  I had to go to part-time a few years ago, after 20+ years full-time.  One company after another closed, so I went to work at the university in a completely different job category and kept transcribing at home during evenings and weekends.  My current company doesn't have enough work to keep all of us MTs busy.  It looks like M-Modal and Nuance always have work.  I'm just leery of them because of all the stress people are under there. 

Oh, I see. What about Keystrokes? Not as big but always - hiring.
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I have read complaints about them too, but not as often.
Keystrokes a possibility - OP
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That's a good idea. I'll apply to Keystrokes. I love my company, but sitting here night after night with NJA is really getting to me. It's never been this bad before.
Keystrokes has an ad on the job seekers board right - now. Apply for the two biggies and them.
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between the 3, you should get one of them.
Keystrokes - OP
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I'm going for it.  Keystrokes, Nuance, and M-Modal.  I thought Keystrokes was owned by Nuance, but maybe they still hire separately from Nuance.

They are not owned by Nuance; they are one of the few still standing. sm - HappyKSMT
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I left both Nuance and MM TWICE each. Two different companies I worked for were bought by each of them and I refuse to work for either of them. Keystrokes has been good to work for, and I've been there 4 years.
This may help - read the MM and N boards. - Look at the posts
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that mention OOW and NJA, both mean no work! I work at MM, and I am reading this post now because I have NJA (no jobs available). Also earlier in the year MM laid off about 200 part time workers (MT/ME), some with well over 20 years experience. They did this to try to provide work to full time employees, but many of us still don't have enough work.

Which of the 2 has better dental plan? - SM - Wondering

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I'm pretty much covered by hubby's medical & will be eligible for Medicare the end of this year ... but need a pretty decent dental plan with low deductible, if possible.

Thinking...... - Still thinking

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Got nothin.

I love you guys (gals)! - OP

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I wish I could reach across and give each of you a great big Christmas hug.  Smile  Especially "Still Thinkin'," who can't think of anything good to say about it.  Laughing

I like what the first poster said, that any paycheck is better than none.  The 99.6% accuracy part scares me, although I usually get 100% on audits with my current company. 

I feel like this time next year the only 2 companies left in the industry will be M-Modal and Nuance.  They will have hungrily garbled up all of the smaller companies.  Might as well get on board while the train's still at the station, I guess. 

Merry Christmas, everybody!

A big Christmas hug to you too - Still thinking

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I'm glad I made smile. I'll be here all week! One more thing, I'm still thinking, still got nothin.

Something Good About Nuance - sefrost53

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I just started Nuance as a new graduate on 11/18, and so far I have enjoyed the steady pay checks, paid training, minimum wage coverage until I am fast enough to hit my LC. My team leader and other supervisors are pretty cool, patient with my newbie slowness, assuring me that I have 90 days to get my skills up to snuff. I am stressing that I'll take too long to "get it" and get fired. I've been making the stupidest mistakes, stuff I should know better not to do, and questions about accessing patient demographics, etc. that I need to have answered. After being OOW for over 3 yrs at 60 years old, I'm glad I have a job. I just hope I can keep it. Anybody else out there have trouble in the beginning?

sefrost53: Having trouble in the begining is to - be expected. SM

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I have always thought it was best for someone getting started in this job to start out in a hospital or clinic setting where there are other transcriptionist around that can lend an ear to your dictations when you have questions and kind of mentor you when you have questions. Unfortunately those type of opportunities don't really exist anymore.

Your question opens up a whole new topic of discussion and should have been a separate thread in itself posted on the main board. There are probably other MTs in your situation or who have recently been in your situation who can better answer your post and relate to your experience.

I don't have much of an answer because I always worked in the hospital setting up until 3 years ago, but certainly can understand your concern.

New - Been there

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It is always tough in the beginning and you always worry that you are not going to make it, but they know that it takes time to get up to speed. I wouldn't worry. Just hang in there:)

MM positive. - Feedback mechanism.

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The mechanism for feedback is really straightforward, easy to access, nicely integrated into the software. Your text and audio file automatically come up so you can listen again, and you can jump straight to whatever feedback was left on your QA markers (blanks). I really like the setup and have learned a lot from the feedback.

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