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Same thing at Nuance as M*Modal? - Curious

Posted: Apr 04, 2013

I'm in shock about all the layoffs at M*Modal this morning!  I'm sure everyone else is too.  I'm scared/worried the same thing might happen to Nuance now.  I see job postings all the time for both companies.  It's crazy how they hire all these people and then layoff a bunch of people.  I'm curious to know how many people in total got laid off.  Does anyone else see this coming at Nuance? 

Nuance isn't above this kind of business practice at all. - IMO

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I wish Nuance would lay me off! - Id have a lot of free time

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to job hunt. As of now, I'm doing it before and after my shift, but I would LOVE an excuse to take some time off while I do it.

A total of 3. - nm

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Just 3?!?! - Curious

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Just 3 people were laid off from M*Modal? I'm sure the company has thousdands of employees and from the post about M*Modal laying people off, I thought it was a bunch!!!

You can't really believe that, can you? There are more than 3 - SM

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There are probably several more than 3 laid off. What would be the point of 3 people being laid off. There are only 3 who have posted on this board. A lot of people don't even know this board exists.

I should have been more specific. A total of - three

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people that post on this site have been laid off.

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