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Nuance vs. MQ/M*Modal - MTDown

Posted: Apr 15, 2012

Anyone worked for MQ before Nuance who can say which is worse/better?  Sick and tired of M*Modal.  I'm sure there are comments somewhere on the board about this before, but I can't find them.  Thanks!

Yes, I have worked for both and just as far as the pay goes... - see message

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... my advice would be to IGNORE the whole incentive deal at Nuance. There have been several complaints in here and I believe it is just too flawed. Best bet would be to consider the base rate each company has. As far as Escription at Nuance vs M*Modal at MQ again my opinion is that it would depend on the individual account you get. I have done both and I believe it is a toss up.

Bottom line is IF the former Medquist (now M*Modal) is giving you a better base rate with no incentive I would definitely stay with them.
Hope this helps and good luck

The only thing I can find against Nuance on this board is lack - of claims of making good SM

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pay. People typically say they like the company, but conspicuous over months of comments is NO one ever saying they like the company because they're making good money here.

Otherwise, people do seem to feel treatment is good, and that's my experience so far too. (It's too soon to decide how much I might be able to pull at least somewhat out of my pre-merger income crash myself, but so far it could be worse.)

I have had a big question about QA reviews keeping good people from qualifying for the incentive pay they'd been able to earn for years elsewhere, but there has been some brief comment about QA that makes me hopeful this won't be a problem in future. If so, I will be able to once again recommend the company I work for.

There is no difference. Both are Big companies - and as far as pay goes...

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The writting is on the board. Everyone makes the same across the board 0.413cpl with a slight night differential from 10pm to 6pm that still wont bring you up to 5 cents a line.

I have heard conflicting information that some accounts will pay more, but again that is conflicting and even if it is true...well every company in the industry does that.

I would base my decision on what I make at M*Modal, if its the same as what Nuance pays then what do you have to lose, could be worse or could be better.

The only thing - Jean9

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Those quarterly reviews turned out to have quite a pattern in my case. Next to nothing was reviewed until the last week of the month, when they did review reports from throughout the month, but there was one person in particular that seemed to have been hired to rip me (us) to shreds and make SURE I was not eligible for a bonus. And most of what was reported was not medical issues, it was grammar and punctuation. Keeping us sequestered from each other has worked well for them.
And it's pretty hard to get a high lph when you are moving "seemlessly and effortlessly" through accounts all day long....

. - .

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You can easily be penalized for a whole quarter. The incentive pay "bi-weekly" can easily be NO incentive pay "bi-weekly". I believe the "so-called" QA review which can easily disqualify you is for only a half a dozen or so reports (98.75%) over a few days in a quarter. The rest of the time during that quarter does not count (for the QA part) and you will be penalized next quarter even if you have an excellent QA of 99% with a high LPH for the majority of pay periods in any given quarter. 

Point is, it appears to me that it makes no difference to Nuance if you worked extra hard for high line counts with an excellent QA of 99% during the majority of an entire quarter, just a few reports in a few days of 98.75% even with a high LPH the rest of the time can easily erase all the rest of the quarters hard work. Then the following whole quarter you are penalized and will not get any incentive pay! This can add up to thousands of dollars in loss pay quickly.

So in my opinion if it were me comparing I would only consider the base pay with the other companies unless they pay out incentive bonuses in a different way than Nuance does. 

That's why I am looking elsewhere as I think there are several better paying MTSO's. 

Thanks, everyone! - MTDown

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Seems like frying pan versus the fire.

Nuance vs MQ - MT

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I've also worked with both, currently with Nuance. I did not like MQ, did not like my CM. I found the communication very lacking and felt none of my questions were being answered, when I went over my CCMs head the response was that "she's very busy she has over 150 people under her." Well thats a crap excuse to me as you knew how many people you would have and that your phone and email would be extremely busy. I find at Nuance its very organized, the training was excellent, my TL is very gracious and answers promptly. The MTs are very, very helpful. I just find the companies to be very different and I feel less stressed out than I was at MQ. They just called and asked me to go back to work with them and there was never a second that I would consider that again, not even if they paid me more.

Nuance/M Modal - Did it

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I did. I left MQ for Webmedx and it was a great choice. However, now that I have been gobbled gobbled by Nuance. MQ IS BETTER in my opinion. We all know in the end those will be the 2 giants standing so I have decided to leave the field.

leave the field - Jean9

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In the words (paraphrased) of Ross Perot when he was running for presidential nomination: Hear that big sucking sound? That's all the jobs leaving the United States. The war is nearly over, and the Indians are winning.

DidIt, why, please? Why is MM better? - Good luck in your next work. NM

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Nuance/M Modal - Did it
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The M Modal platform blows away the Enterprise platform I am on. I have lost thousands upon thousands of dollars since the Nuance merge. I am taking home almost 600 less a pay period. There is horrid communication all of a sudden and it seems like the blind leading the blind. I was told my account would probably not see Escription in my time.....Oh add the no studies AGAIN this morning at 5 a.m. at the beginning of my shift and well it is now 7:15 p.m. and still sitting here playing catch up.
Nuance vs MM - Happy
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Basically you just need to find out yourself, it seems everyones experience is different. I had no work for weeks with MQ and have had a lot of OT with Nuance. I hated the platform at MQ but LOVE Escription at Nuance. Hated my CCM at MQ but really like my TL at Nuance. Its a matter of taste. Try one if you don't like it go to the other, just keep going until you find a company who fits your needs.

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