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Anything good to say about M*Modal? - JC

Posted: Jan 10, 2013

I am wondering if there is anything good to say about M*Modal? I frequent the message boards and do see a lot of negatives. Here's the deal, I had a great job working for a small company and then they lost the account I was on. That was over a week ago. I have sent out resumes and checked the job boards only to find no one is hiring or they want more experience. I have a little over 2 years experience. I am trying not to panic but as you can see if I am considering M*Modal things must be desperate. Thanks for any advice or comments.

Only if you - live in India, nm

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Good things about MModal - cr

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I have to say, except for the very low pay (which seems to be standard now with MTSOs), I'm okay with working for MModal. I actually prefer VRE over straight typing now because it's less physical effort. I just log on, work my schedule, occasionally do extra when asked, and generally don't have a problem. My pay, puny that it is, is deposited on time. I've even come to like the QA person okay. As with most critical care accounts, the dictators can be really annoying, but for the most part, if you try to just go with the flow, things aren't bad.

You must - be

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getting different VR than most of us. I have to change every other word and my pay has drastically gone down since doing it. Other than having no work most of the time, paycheck cut drastically, marked down for commas by QA, keeping up with the many different client profiles, not getting the same doctor more than once in a day, I guess it is fine.

go with the flow.so funny! work ur hiney off for - pennies,as fast as you

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can and do NOT make a mistake. yep, you get your paycheck deposited and it will NOT pay the rent AND utilities AND keep your internet on. There is constant stress from MM and your bill collectors. Yet for some this is the only place left. Your choice.
did not think it was going to be all happy - did ya
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I've enjoyed my time here so far - Outsourced

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My hospital got outsourced, and in spite of all the horrible things I heard, I got a new full-time job and I took the position at MModal part-time. I haven't had any problems and I actually enjoy it. And believe it or not, I make just as much at MM (and sometimes more) as I did at my original job. The key for me was actually learning the short cuts in DQ7 and putting them to use. The first few weeks, it seemed like QA was constantly flagging me for stupid and contradictory things, but my CCM (who is incredible by the way) reassured me and told me only to be worried about critical errors. I don't think I've gotten a QA'ed report in months.

It may depend on what region you're in (I'm South) or who your CCM is, but I would have to advise you not to listen to the bad experiences of others in order to make a final decision. I'm not promising you won't have a bad experience, but mine has been wonderful. I'm even considering going with them full time if my husband can get a job with insurance so I don't have to worry about being the insured anymore. Their insurance is not so good. Good luck!

I'm glad, really, - that

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it is good for you. May I ask, though, how many lines you type an hour? Do you have to change every other word in your reports?

I would not tell this person not to listen to others, but maybe to take all into consideration. The people here that have it bad are not making it up. You just happen to be lucky in your region, accounts or something. Also, you said you are part time. I am full time and have not had a full 40 hours of work in months. Maybe you should reconsider taking on full time there. I run out of work within a few hours of starting my shift. I have been with MModal for a long time and things were good for me until the company went on a kick of sending all the work to India in the fall. Maybe it just has not hit your region yet, but it has in mine and nobody is getting work. Even part time people cannot get work. I had a regular account for years and now I get nothing the same because people are doing my account because theirs went to India. This person has a right to listen and evaluate all responses before making a decision, not just the good ones. I'm truly not trying to be mean to you, but just pointing out that there is a lot of bad in this company, just hasn't hit you yet.

Also more accounts in BOB since fall - need to be ready for that

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My main grouping of accounts started sending the majority of work to India in the fall. Not to worry though said the TSM because more accounts would be added to the BOB. Of course she forgot to mention that all the MTs would move with those accounts so less work spread out among more MTs. So now instead of 10 accounts we have around 30, each dribbling in stats or H and P because the longer TAT stuff is over in India. I never get the same account twice in a row. Oh they will tell you that the CP is easily accessible which it is, but for me it is like the old days of the cesspool. It is hard to make money when you are constantly checking whether the PE is capped or not capped or on a full moon does this doc want a signature line or not.

It's okay- I didn't take you as being mean - Outsourced

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I guess maybe I didn't put that quite as how I intended it to come out. I didn't mean to not take bad experiences into consideration. I just wanted to point out to the OP that I almost didn't go with them (mainly out of sheer bitterness on my part), and I'm glad I changed my mind.

I type about 300-350 lines per hour, but on a REALLY awesome day have made 500. My hospital insisted on a 10/6 and I end up getting about 300-400 lines per day straight typing, the rest being VR. I do have a lot of resident ESL's so I have to change quite a bit in VR, but it seems like it always works out in the end.

So really, I can only speak for my experience. I took the job with MM with the attitude that if I hated it, the worst thing that could happen is I would quit. At the time, being let go from my hospital job of 20 years was the most devastating part of the whole thing to me, so I gave it a whirl and I'm glad I did.

I didn't mean to offend. I know many have had bad experiences. I just wanted to encourage her to give it a try.
Again, I am - happy
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for you. I literally can type the reports faster than VR. The accounts I have are truly horrible. No matter what shortcuts there are it is not helping. It is literally every other word. Plus, my main account is gone and I am getting so many accounts and cannot keep up with them. Up until recently, I have had two main accounts since being with the company and was doing okay. Then the bottom fell out, like it has for many. I hope whatever the OP decides it works out. I am looking for a job to get out of this company and this field. If I go with another company, chances are it will be bought out by them or Nuance and I would be in the same boat. They want 75% of the work in India and they are working hard to do this, and I cannot sit here with no work and be treated like this. I have no respect for these companies that send all the work to India and leave us in the dark.
Thank you. - OP
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That is the exact attitude I have. If I hate it I can quit. I just took the test today and have to admit I felt like I sold my soul or something. The bottom line is I need a job that helps to pay the bills. Thank you for the encouragement.

wondering - MMODAL wondering

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Do they let you set your own schedule? What about mandatory weekends? Without getting too personal...do they pay decent? Just wondering.

Schedule - Outsourced

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Well, again I have to say my CCM is FANTASTIC. She does require that we work 4 hours on the weekend, and wants to know when it is going to be so she can make sure the weekend is covered. And I do have to have a set schedule, but it was one I picked. I work 4 hours a day M-Sat. That was my choice. One of my previous coworkers went with them full-time and she picked out some totally screwy hours, but they were okay with it as long as they knew when she would be working.

As for the pay, I think that is determined by either your employer who is outsourcing you, or I guess if you hire on straight with MM, they determine it. My hospital negotiated a 10 cents per line straight typing and 6 cents per line VR. I don't find it that bad. BUT, BUT, BUT, I do have to work the whole time I'm on. It is a totally different ballgame from when before I would go put on a load of laundry, sit back down and type, start the dishwasher, sit back down and type, etc. If I don't work the whole four hours, I will end up making a lot less than I do.

It has been an adjustment, but overall I'm happy. I was probably a tad bit spoiled before. ;)

I can't complain - but then I make 10/6

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I make more than most (and they would not start you at this), I have a good boss, and I have plenty of work.

My doppelganger makes 8/4, has an absentee boss, and has no work day after day.

It's the luck of the draw.

P.S. the insurance is good.

anything good about mmodal - Nini

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ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! It is definitely a place to work if you have absolutely no other choice, and only then, like me.

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