A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Good-by, Nuance - Fatigued Fingers
Posted: Nov 17, 2014I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders. 
Congrats again! Did they make a fuss over only 1 week - notice?
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Just curious, not trying to be tooo personal, just wondering.
1 week notice - Fatigued Fingers
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Thanks, and no they didn't. This morning I deleted everything from my computer. Felt wonderful.
Yay! That's another perk you get when you quit: - You get a MUCH faster computer! :D
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Amen - anonMT
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Somehow, I think they do that on purpose. There's a limit to how fast you can type if you have to wait for each report to upload/download the next one. I have complained and complained, and they don't do anything about it. IT is hopeless. I actually wanted to get a job in their IT department, because, heck, I can install Editscript - I've done it about a zillion times.
Same here - I was done a month ago
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Such a weight off my shoulders. Now I work without picky feedback and pay based on what I do. I am paid straight for my work and not based on percentages for anything. I actually love getting up in the morning and logging on to work! Good Luck!!
OOOH-OOOH!!! - Need to know
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Can you say where you went? I too would like to look forward to getting up in the morning for a change.
Where I went - Fatigued Fingers
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I may have leaped from the frying pan into the fire, but I went to TTS.
I work for both - newbutold
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I work for both. TTS is much better in regards to QA but the account I am on is extremely difficult with the physicians. They leave me alone to type which is good but maintaining the LPH sometimes is difficult with these speakers. I am one of the few that is happy at Nuance. I am on a great account, like my TL and for the most part they leave me alone also. The FIESA gets on my nerves but I have learned to just ignore it and continue the source!!!
TTS LPH requirements? ...sm - confused
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Hi, do you mind me asking what are the LPH requirements at TTS for both traditional and speech. Do they even offer any traditional? Do you find you make more money with them or with Nuance?
TTS lph is 125 straight typing and 250 VR. I don't think they - have much straight typing, mostly VR..sm
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The pay is like 0.0784 cpl for straight typing and a little over 3 cpl for editing. They use eScription platform.
Independent Contractors make more, which is 9 cpl straight typing and a little over 4 cpl for VR. I don't know how true it is, but I have read that they will not hesitate to cancel your contract if you are IC when work runs low, but I imagine that's true of any MTSO, they have to look out for employee status first since they have more liability to them.
TTS? - Meh
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Isn't that another medical transcription company? I thought just about all MT companies suck nowadays. How is TTS preferable? Do they pay a little bit more at least?
To Meh - See above posts to answer your question. - nm
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