A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Losing M-Modal with Nuance acquisition - nn
Posted: May 21, 2012
Can you tell me what we will notice or how we will be impacted when M-Modal is taken away from Transcend/Nuance employees. (If indeed it is taken away.) TIA.
Read these boards. Low to no work all the time. - lots of Nuance MTs just waiting for the work.
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Guess it depends how quickly they transition the accounts. One has to wonder do they want the accounts or the staff. Jusy saying. Good luck to you.
What is going on at M*Modal that would make their acquisition team email me and leave phone messages at least 3 times a week for over a month? I have not responded to any of these messages, and I have not shown any interest in working for them in many years.
Where is what I get:
Dear *********,
Recently, we contacted you to inform you that you are eligible to retest for a position with M*Modal. We have not yet received your testing results. Please note, your testing must be ...
I saw the press release today regarding Nuance/Webmedx and was wondering, since Medquist bought M-Modal last month, if all the Webmedx accounts are being swiched over to eScription or Dictaphone (which Nuance uses), or if Nuance also acquired the Enterprise platform and all Webmedx accounts are back to that platform. Anyone out there with any additional information about how the QA folks will be handled? I'm a former Webmedx'er and a new (yet to start working) Nuance employee, so am ve ...
Every time there is a hospital or clinic acquisition, those "acquired" MTs will be crammed onto existing accounts as their own account/work types become more streamlined and less available as more and more of it is done more efficiently with voice wreck and 3 shifts of people to do the work. Think of it like when a larger dog moves into a pen already crowded with too many dogs. All the pre-existing dogs have to scooch over yet again (exist on less) to make room for the new dog in the cage.& ...
I thought they were 2 different services. Everyone is buying out everyone, so who knows. All the small companies have been merged I guess. I thought Nuance was out of New York and were the primary with VR. Maybe one has to keep up with the changes and be a member and pay the dues and go to the meetings with AAMT and be a CMT to keep up with the changes, even though you still get 4 cents. ...
Looks like a done deal if I read this correctly as of today? Read article below....
http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20120426-715167.html?mod=WSJ_ComputerSoftware_middleHeadlines ...
Just got e-mail from our wonderful HR person that no 401K was deducted in our most recent paycheck. As soon as Nuance bought us, our program stopped :((
Welcome to Nuance...ughhh....I jumped from Webmedx to Transcend to Accentus and it seems I cannot escape :( ...
So you need help on this account so far out of TAT you're in danger of losing it.
Sounds like people are deserting.
Maybe if they lose a few accounts they'll get the message. One can only hope.
I feel sorry for the managers. It must be pretty tough sitting between the leeches and those whom they suck the blood out of. How do they do it? ...
Anyone worked for MQ before Nuance who can say which is worse/better? Sick and tired of M*Modal. I'm sure there are comments somewhere on the board about this before, but I can't find them. Thanks! ...
Which company is better to work for, M*Modal or Nuance? I'd like some honest, positive feedback on each company before I decide which one to sign with. Thank you!! ...
I currently work for Assistmed, but have a phone interview with Nuance and M*Modal later this week. I have read all the reviews about both companies and still not sure which is better. Anyone have any experience with either of the two or any input on which company is better? ...
I wonder if M-modal is trying desperately to keep their heads above water so as not to be bought out by Nuance. I just can't fathom all these layoffs. I'm really truly sorry. How heavy your hearts must be right now. It's just incomprehensible that they would do this to all of you. ...
I just accepted an offer from Nuance. I know, I know. I used to work for M-Modal when it was Medquist three years ago. I loved the DocQScribe platform. Has anyone gone from working for M-Modal to Nuance? Was there any change in the way lines were counted? How do you compare working on Nuance's platform versus that of M-Modal? ...
I've learned a lot from the M*Modal side, but now if you don't mind I would like to ask questions about Nuance.
1. Do they hire part-time, and if yes what might a schedule consist of?
2. What are the line requirements?
3. Weekend work required?
4. What shifts are offered, do they have 1st/2nd/3rd?
And, just about anything that is on your mind. TIA! ...
I'm in shock about all the layoffs at M*Modal this morning! I'm sure everyone else is too. I'm scared/worried the same thing might happen to Nuance now. I see job postings all the time for both companies. It's crazy how they hire all these people and then layoff a bunch of people. I'm curious to know how many people in total got laid off. Does anyone else see this coming at Nuance? ...
I've reached the point where I'll work for almost any company, even M-Modal or Nuance, if it means I can get a steady paycheck. My current company is going down the tubes fast. I've hung in here as long as I possibly can, but I think it's an exercise in futility.
Does anyone at M-Modal or Nuance have any positive experiences, or is it really as bad as all the posts make it sound? Surely there must be "something" good, or they wouldn't have so man ...
Working right now for NTS (lots of dirt here), but would like some honest opinions on M-Modal. They sent me an email wanting me to test (as i am sure they have many others), and today I got an automated phone call from them. Anyone know if this would be an improvement? Thanks! ...
Although this article dates back to March, I found it interesting. Had no idea that Nuance and MQ (M*Modal) only had 20% of the transcription business when this was written in March, 2012.
http://seekingalpha.com/article/408141-can-transcend-services-write-its-own-ticket ...
Is There A Market Reshuffling On The Horizon For The Medical Transcription Industry?
Today I’m going to indulge in something I rarely do, much to the exasperation of my wife Carol. A goodly number of our conversations begin with her asking me, “What do you suppose…” and end with me saying, “I don’t have a clue.” I’m not sure if this reluctance to speculate is a guy thing or just a facet of my own particular personality, but for once I’m g ...
Nuance is a terrible cancer to the health care industry. Just heard of another acquisition as of today as well as one last week.
http://www.boston.com/businessupdates/2012/10/01/nuance-communications-buys-thomas-and-associates/8K2ns8bAqnTJK61q7eNlFP/story.html ...