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Are you married? Do you have another income? - see message

Posted: Nov 2nd, 2019 - 5:44 pm In Reply to: This is ridiculous. SM - KS MT

Or are you LT?

Everyone has the right to get nasty. What is bullying is the way LT is controlling everyone by withholding paychecks. These people need their money to pay bills, mortgages, tuition, etc.

LT should be ashamed of herself going out, drinking, going on a cruise and planning to go to Florida for a reggae party.

She has messed with paychecks almost from the beginning, pay cuts, cutting health care benefits, taking out deductions and not putting money into accounts or paying into IRS or Medicare. I know these things because I was there. All this was going on while she was building her house, building her offices, buying fancy cars, buying condos, buying expensive furniture for house (150K) and office (100K),taking vacations, and gambling. She will never change, she is getting worse. So who do you think you are kidding? She is using payroll to bankroll her lifestyle.

KS employees need to band together and start a class action lawsuit against her, JT and officers of her company. What is another lawsuit to her anyway, she has had so many.


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