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MT industry - Mary

Posted: Nov 6th, 2019 - 4:38 am In Reply to: Hey again, LT - What a joke

I'm agnostic as to what motivates this LT. I would say it really doesn't matter if she is evil, mentally ill, or a fairly normal person trying to run a business in a struggling industry. I do remember years ago people saying good things about Keystrokes, but then again that was during the glory days when it was very easy to run a medical transcription service (before the IC craze).

You don't have to take my advice, but I'll give it to you anyway. It sounds as if from what everyone is saying she is sinking fast. If she hasn't made her withholding deposits and she ends up owing the IRS a lot of money, she will probably be forced into bankruptcy. As an employee, you'll probably be put near the top of the list of people who will be paid IF she has any assets. She may look wealthy and not be; nobody knows how many liens exist on her property.

I may indeed know squat, but it seems to me this might be a good time to cut ties with KS after finding another job -- any other job. This type of thing typically ends with the IRS padlocking the door, and then there's a big wait. You may very well get your money, but once the IRS enters the scene, it might years if you do indeed get your money. Also, you may only get a percentage of what is due to you.

I feel for everyone in this. I used to transcribe for a psychiatric clinic that went bankrupt. I filed a claim for something like $700; I got nothing. When you are a creditor, the trustee sends you paperwork listing all of the assets of the company. These folks had a fleet of cars and some very fancy furniture. Their office was rented. They looked very wealthy, but they owed far more than what their liquidated assets would support.

Just because you have a valid claim and you're morally right doesn't mean you'll receive restitution. Review all this with an attorney, but if you do receive a court judgment and she doesn't have the assets to pay it, keep it. A judgment lasts for seven years and you can renew it as I recall. So once she does have assets, you can cash in on your judgment.

I would make getting paid a first priority. It sounds like she has constructed her own little hell. I'm not sure that wanting her to suffer or rot in jail is really going to help anyone. Thinking that way divides your attention. Do you want vengeance or do you want your money? It's a Napoleon Hill thing. Put your energies toward one or the other. If she has done all the things you say she has done, she is already on her way to a very bad situation.

I have said this 10 thousand times to MTs. Attacking each other doesn't help. MTSOs see that and know we can be split. MTSOs that cheat employees either by not paying as agreed or paying 4 cents for editing and 7 cents for straight typing to an IC are the problem. MTs who stomp on each other is another problem. We end up with very little credibility and what is left of a profession is compromised.


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