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Man - does she have sm

Posted: Oct 28th, 2019 - 7:31 pm In Reply to: yep!!! - done

some big nads or what? Her FB is open to all her MTs to see what a glorious time she is having just living her life out with all her friends, taking pictures with men and all drunk and happy and having fun, fun, and "crazy nights."

Anyone who stays with that company after seeing her posts from last night on FB are out of their minds. I cannot believe how boastful and bold she is when she can't even make her payroll.

I worked there for 2 weeks, made a whole 100 dollars due to no work. What a joke they are! I'm so glad I haven't spent years with that company.
That woman needs some serious psychiatric help and so do the people who stay on at KS after seeing those pics on FB.

Hey guess what she spent last night? All your contributions to your 401K.

Get woke!!!! That woman is nutzo! Scroll her posts, too, and notice her one about "if things don't add up, just subtract;" I guess she is referring to payroll - nope, not paying you or you or you or you. Oh.My.God! She is too much, just too much.


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