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Taxes - SM

Posted: Oct 30th, 2019 - 12:30 pm In Reply to: Download and print your paystubs! sm - KS free

If she is not paying payroll taxes (yet again) and is withholding them from everyone's checks and is documenting such withholdings on pay stubs, that is also FRAUD and needs to be reported to the IRS immediately! I very highly doubt that she is paying payroll taxes. She has an extensive history of that, which she got into trouble for about 10 years ago and had to go on a very large repayment plan for many years to repay it. That was the main reason for the pay cuts that occurred back then. She F'd up, but it was her employees who had to pay the price for it. For anyone who doesn't know, she HAS done prison time for credit card fraud/theft back in the early 90s. It this doesn't give you a good idea of the type of person you're dealing with here, I don't know what will.


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