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Company Board

This is ridiculous. SM - KS MT

Posted: Oct 29th, 2019 - 8:51 am In Reply to: Keystrokes 401K - Ohno

I can’t believe how nasty this board has become, no matter which company is mentioned, but the personal attacks on LT are pathetic. I do have her as a Facebook friend and I do read her posts. If you look through them, it looks like she went out with friends one night last weekend and had fun. If you look back further, you’ll see that she doesn’t go out often, not like she used to. I don’t think going out with friends means she’s spending our payroll, doing drugs, or in a cruise. If I were in her shoes, I’d be out a lot more, just to not think about Keystrokes for a time.

The ugliness here on MTStars is horrible. If someone posts anything positive, we’re called names and belittled. You post rumors and assumptions and when someone disagrees with you, you get even uglier.

I don’t think KS is closing. I think it’s exactly what we were told, that there were mistakes made in the past, that they are working through everything and that it will all be fixed. No, I do not like my checks being late, but it’s my choice to stay.

Attacking someone like LT gets attacked is cyber bullying. As a Christian, I pray for the company and I pray for her. My account is very busy, and I am happy where I am. Not everyone shares the ugly opinions, and iit gets old seeing the ugly posts. Don’t you have anything better to do?


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