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KS is all she ought to be thinking about, as in how she needs - to pay her people ON TIME SM

Posted: Oct 29th, 2019 - 12:27 pm In Reply to: This is ridiculous. SM - KS MT

and being honest with her employees about what's going on. That ought to be her primary focus, not going out partying. She wouldnt have any party money if not for her people still foolishly working for her.

Any decent, respectable, honest, ethical, and CHRISTIAN person would be worrying about paying her employees instead of out partying and considering some reggae event in Florida this spring.

Where would that Florida trip money come from? Employee payroll. Lets her employees go without bills paid, food on the table, racking up insufficient fund fees on those bills on autopay, and she doesnt care. That's blatantly obvious.

Go sit down. You're obviously LT herself (or a minion) trying to do damage control and fill some of those 26 open positions on your website.

You did, however, take down all your drunken party pictures, I see, LT. Thanks for that, at least not continuing to throw your good times in the employees' faces when they wonder if they have a place to live and food to eat next week.


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