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Question for long retired MT - Carol

Posted: Sep 16th, 2024 - 11:46 am

Hi, everybody.  I've been retired from Acute Care Transcription for about 7 years now and miss it very much but age is taking over and I've forgotten a lot and have no idea what's going on now in hospital transcription, so I have a question to ask regarding how operative reports are being done now.

A few years ago I had bilateral cataract surgeries, and since spring of this year I've been requesting a copy of the operative reports from the organization that heads my opthalmologist's office. 

I first requested by a PDF form that was sent to me, but got no response, so I called and asked for the physical address to send the form and was told if I sent that way, no one would see it.  I then re-sent the PDF form, then regular mail, even certified, and from that point until recently, I kept getting excuses for not receiving what I requested.  Recently they did send me a folder of a bunch of stuff like chart notes that I didn't ask for.  In my state they are supposed to send a copy of my medical records within 10 days.

It occurred to me that maybe doctors don't dictate or use templates anymore for cataract surgeries, or just sign by electronic signature, so they don't even know what I'm talking about.  

What I want to know is, are operative reports still being done in some form, starting with the Date, Preoperative and Postoperative Diagnosis, then a Procedure in Detail description, with a signature from the operating surgeon at the bottom?




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