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The situation I'm in... - sm

Posted: Oct 29th, 2019 - 8:24 pm In Reply to: This is ridiculous. SM - KS MT

LT, you deserve the nastiness and so much more. You deserve whatever will eventually happen to you and it will.
It's only a matter of time.

My water, internet, electricity, and gas have been cut off, and several of those at the same time. I've also lost my vehicle insurance and now I have over a $500 fine for not having it. To add insult to injury, because you DID eventually pay me, albeit several weeks late, my children and I didn't quality for food stamps nor Medicaid (and definitely couldn't afford healthcare through KS). My pantry has stayed partially stocked and my utilities have been restored through the kindness of true Christians from my church, other church food pantries, and family members. But those resources were short-lived because of lack of funds on their end as well.

Your constant, callous, disregard for others and your regular boilerplate responses "checks will post by...", "this will be 'fixed' by...", "we are on the right track..." were nothing more than continued BS.

So, take your "Christian" self and "preach" to someone who will listen and still buy the constant lies. The ONLY way an MT can make it work with KS is one with another income, a rich family member, or someone who wants to live off grid and doesn't care when or if they get paid.


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