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Here's the thing - sm

Posted: Nov 1st, 2019 - 10:58 pm In Reply to: This is ridiculous. SM - KS MT

While I agree that people on here are pretty nasty and at one time I also felt sorry for LT for the bashing, I understand the hate for her. People are losing their homes, vehicles, credit rating, etc. based on her promises of having this mess fixed by 9/30. Here we are a full month later and not only is it still not fixed, but there is no update. From what I understand, people who ask when they will be paid are being ignored entirely. They are just trying to figure out how to pay their bills and what to tell their creditors to try to get them to cut them a little slack. That is disrespectful as all get out. Good for her, she can go out drinking to forget about KS for a little while. Her employees don't have that luxury, as they are trying to figure out how to stretch a box of macaroni and cheese to feed their entire family for God knows how long until they get the money they are owed. A simple response to her employees would do wonders to quell the anger and bashing.


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