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Her stressed & upset, really? - anon

Posted: Nov 4th, 2019 - 6:13 pm In Reply to: I don't know how special you are to get your questions answered - when other people are ignored SM

and... why do senseless people still make excuses for her? She is stressed & upset because it is getting harder for her to live outside her means? because that is what happened. She spent money she didn't have and it resorted to constantly taking and taking from her hard working employees. How about feeling sorry for the ladies that have lost everything they worked hard when they were just making a good, honest living? Some are single mothers, not everyone is married to a husband making good pay and even if we were, we EARNED our check and having to beg for it is unacceptable. LT got herself in a hole because of her deceiving, greedy ways - all we did was work and want a paycheck that we earned. I have worked in this field for nearly three decades and have NEVER seen anything like this. Two companies I worked for had to downsize and make life changes due to the changes in the industry but in doing that, they sacrificed but gave their employees on time paychecks and even raises, since they cut their personal expenses. LT's priority is LT, that is all it is and all it will ever be. She has proved this over 10 years now?


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