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She won't - So enlighten us

Posted: Nov 4th, 2019 - 4:02 pm In Reply to: I have always gotten an answer when I ask and always get it when she says I will. sm - Geesh

If she was able to clarify things with you and give you enough hope to hang in there, why doesn't she do the same for the rest of us? A mass email detailing what exactly is in the works to remedy the situation, what happened to the 9/30 deadline, etc. At this rate, the hole KS is in is only going to get deeper, as there are many employees who have been there nearly as long as you have who are seeking employment elsewhere. Due to all the posts here, they are having a hard time finding people to replace the ones who have already left. She wishes she sold years ago? Does she even care about saving it now? Why wasn't something done when these issues first started to keep things from getting to the point they are now?


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