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Exactly - SM

Posted: Nov 2nd, 2019 - 12:30 pm In Reply to: Here's the thing - sm

Everything you said is correct. Yes, some of the posts may seem a little harsh, but they are not undeserved. LT has been screwing with people's lives for years, but especially this past year, and she has taken it to new extremes. This entire year she has just kept pushing it to see how much she can get away with. She is too big of a sociopath and narcissist to care about the fact that people work because they need money, not because they are bored or want to volunteer. We ALL rely on our jobs in order to pay our bills, keep a roof over our heads, gas in the car, and food in the kitchen. LT is depriving her employees of the ability to do ANY of those things. She lies, cheats, steals, and takes total advantage of the people who bust their behinds for her company and are relying on her for a steady paycheck. People are losing everything they have worked so hard for all because of this woman. I knew from the start that the whole "end of September" thing was total BS. Seriously, this woman DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO TELL THE TRUTH. It's like she's physically incapable of any sort of honesty whatsoever. She is too big of a coward to be honest and up front with people. She claimed that everything would be "all fixed" by the end of September. It is now November. NOTHING has been "fixed." If anything, it has gotten worse. She has not even made the slightest effort reach out to her employees with any sort of an update, most likely because she knows that she lied and has run out of excuses. What is she going to say now? "Sorry, I spent all of your paychecks at the bar and casino, but I'll pay you back before Christmas! I promise!" She is too much of a coward to face people and answer emails and phone calls from her employees asking where their paychecks are. Meanwhile, she's out partying it up, getting drunk, and going on cruises and other trips while her MTs starve. I have very little doubt that she is utilizing payroll funds for all of these shenanigans, which is wage theft. People like her belong in prison. She has very likely been stealing income tax and 401K withholdings as well. If that is the case, it's only a matter of time before she's in some serious hot water. I was fortunate enough to be able to get out of the pit that is KS, but I do know a couple of people who are still there and are desperately trying to get out. They are struggling greatly just to keep the utilities on. One of them is a single mother. I'm sorry, but LT needs to go away for a long, long time for what she has done. I have never seen anything like this in my entire life. How she is able to sleep at night knowing what a disgrace she is blows my mind.


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