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Same here - SM

Posted: Oct 30th, 2019 - 12:11 pm In Reply to: Oh and - OP

I also have not worked for KS in a while, but I, too, am still suffering the repercussions of her dishonesty and scams. She actually caused our mortgage payment to bounce on more than one occasion due to late pay and caused us not to be able to pay many of our bills on time, thus causing my credit scores to tank, which I am still trying to recover from. My husband and I had wanted to buy a bigger home, but that's not going to happen until I can get my scores back up to where they used to be before all of the KS insanity. I've had to take out a couple of secured credit cards and an auto loan with less than ideal terms to help bring my scores back up, which is still a work in progress, but it's getting there. She deserves to rot in prison. I know that may sound harsh, but I don't care at this point. She is a horrible human being who has destroyed the lives of far too many individuals and families with her criminal ways. Don't even get me started on all of the overdraft bank fees that she caused us at $35 a pop and then fees that WE had to pay when she would wire transfer our paychecks to us when they were late. She promised me that she would reimburse me for all of those fees, but never did. Just another one of her many lies. Those fees even ate into my husband's paychecks when they were deposited. Nothing will make me happier than when karma gets her and she finally has to face the music and be held accountable for her actions.


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