A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Layoffs/Terminations - ladybug1

Posted: Apr 11, 2013

Think I will get the proverbial axe on Monday or Tuesday - Tuesday should be the first day of my new pay period according to my schedule.  After the corrective action for low LPH and many other things bugging me - definitely kept asking questions and when one did not answer, or answer fully, went higher, and also to HR.  I really did love this job and it makes me so angry and depressed all at once at how things have gotten so awful!  I did finally get them to finally acknowledge that our lines are counted differently (far less per report) in VR than they were in other platforms!  Talk about adding insult to injury!  Lower pay and have to do nearly approximately double the reports for the same amount of lines that will not pay the same amount. 

You all are so wonderful and have such a wealth of information, at least I feel like if I do get the axe - there are many options out there.  Just wish we could still make our money with the pride we used to have!

How are VR lines counted differently? - hm

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What exactly did they say? Does it apply to DQS VR? (Fluency VR) TIA

Layoffs/Terminations - ladybug1

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Something to do with headers and footers, not being counted in - and something was mentioned about demographics too - it did not make sense to me though as I know some of that had not been counted on the other platforms I worked in. These are differences in Clarity and in Cornerstone (VR). I know one day in Cornerstone I did 140 reports and only got 986 lines - in Clarity that would have been 2000 or at least close to it. Never been good at understanding their calculations but was sure good at knowing how many lines I should have according to how many reports I did.

They don't count headers, footers, et cetera in DQS/Fluency. - nm

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Headers, footers, etc - ladybug1
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I honestly do not think they did in my other platforms either - and demographics have certainly never come into the picture! But, it is obvious our lines are far less per report than they once were and we have a lot of info that we have to enter that we get no credit for - no wonder LPH is off! Just discouraging to think of working harder, when no work is really there, and then less lines/pay for what you do! UGH! You know, even though I got a corrective action for my poor LPH - I am still extremely quality conscious and will remain so until the day they get rid of me - refuse to compromise patient care or my own standards of presenting the best quality work that I possibly can.
What are headers and footers? - TIA NM
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