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Account suddenly with no work - sickened

Posted: Jun 03, 2015

Does anyone else have the account ..... Switched to yet another superviser after having the same one for years, got another one for a month, now another one.  With every change of supervisors, the work dries up more.  Yesterday was horrendous.  Can somebody tell me how long you need to be out of work before you file for partial UE?  I can't afford this on a daily basis, I have nobody to depend on but me. 

I think you can file the very week you don't - get your hours in.

[ In Reply To ..]
I know what you mean, it's only me supporting me, too. Scary. I do have 2 part-time jobs, but both of them are equally unreliable when it comes to being OOW. It has only been by a miracle that I have so far been able to barely get 20 hours for each. But, if I were you, I'd immediately file for partial UE.

agreed - MaximusMT

[ In Reply To ..]
I read somewhere at a dept of labor site (at least in my state) that if your employer starts paying you significantly less wages(perhaps it was a certain percentage less?), don't wait too long before applying for partial UE. If you wait too long, DOL assumes you are ok with the reduction and won't give you the UE. Check your state laws.

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