A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Webmedx - Is your account suddenly drying up? - fedup

Posted: Oct 29, 2010

Question for those of you who have been lucky enough to have had work through all of this time.  Is your account suddenly drying up?  Mine is.  I am quite sure they are taking it and giving it to the people with no work.  So now we can all sit around and have NOTHING to type.  Why in God's name did they not lay off more people if there is not enough to go around?  Where is the logic?  This is what these brilliant minds get paid 6 figures to do? 

Just my opinion but (SM) - Sounds familiar

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It's just my opinion, but it sounds as if WMX is following MQ's lead by trying to "starve" MTs until they quit voluntarily due to lack of work/income so they don't have to pay UE benefits. Either that or in the midst of some sort of merger/buyout, because the scenario sounds equally similar to what the MDI-MD transcriptionists went through about a year ago.

Good luck to you.

Did MQ in the same period hire over 100 new people? - NM

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Oh heck yeah (SM) - Sounds familiar

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MQ is STILL hiring while apparently numerous MTs have no work. Over on the MQ board, it's always a topic of discussion, in that how can so many MTs have NJA most of the day while they keep hiring. The popular consensus is it's their way of weeding out the longer-term, higher-paid MTs by forcing their hand to quit, and hiring other MTs at lower pay rates. If you get a chance, peruse the MQ board and see if you too see the similarities between what the WMXers are going thru and the Qers.

Sounds familiar - Ricky

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I was part of the MDI-MI/Transcend fiasco and it sounds like WMX is a picture perfect copy of what we went through. You need to ask yourselves if you are willing to go through with this. I was told one thing and another happened. I left. Don't believe what any company rep tells you.

Fedup, you want "the people with no work" laid off, but - what if they had trimmed force in general and

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you were in that group? There are lots of different ways to slice and dice, and I for one am glad they kept the numbers hit small and certainly wouldn't be wishing trouble on others.

Laid off - fedup

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Wishing trouble on others? Ummmm, do you work here? Trouble is already here, I don't need to wish for it, nor do I. If I was in that group, then so be it, PLEASE lay me off. Makes MUCH more sense than sitting here saying technically I have a job, just no work to do.

Yes, and of course we'd be sorry to see you go, but... - hope you get your wish. NM

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Wish - fedup
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Oh, ME TOO! I was smart enough to get out before the Medquist mass exodus, need to get out of here too before everybody is running screaming for the door. I, too, predict whatever is coming down the pike is going to hit right at Christmas time. Upper management is always so heartless about dropping bad news at the most inopportune times.

Quite honestly - BTDT

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As someone who has watched this profession for decades, who has been involved when mergers happen, who has sat in the boardrooms when the choices are made, I can tell you, I'd bet my farm that you guys are going to get a Christmas surprise. All the signs are there. All the rhetoric is there.

Times, they are most definitely, a-changin' and I'm suer there will be more than a few unhappy WedMedx MTs.

This is also about the same time of year as - When the MDI-MD merger was announced

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After a couple of months of an inexplicable lack of work, again with ignored emails asking where the work had gone to and requests for backup accounts, etc.

Yep, all sounds eerily similar to what the WMX people are going thru...

I hope I'm wrong and this is just some blip on the radar for WMX, but be prepared, as the above poster said, for a Christmas "surprise."

Hi, BTDT. What rhetoric are you thinking of? NM - Anon

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Surprises - RLee

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I do not know why these companies cause a financial burden to their employees especially at Christmas. Maybe it has something to do with the year end. I do know that when Deventure merged with Transcend, bought out, or whatever, we were notified of the merge in December and that as of January 1st we would be Transcend employees. Not much notice. I feel sorry for all the MTs going through this mess, as it is mentally draining and extremely frustrating - especially of the not knowing. Good luck - hope all the signs are wrong.

MDI-MD also started lacking work around the holidays last year - I think (SM)

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Off the top of my work-addled head, if I recall correctly, the lack of work started September/October and became progressively worse until some point in November when the Transcend buyout was announced. I might be a few weeks off on this, but to my recollection, it was right around the holiday season as well.

While it could be something related to the end of the year, I suspect it's because they can fall back on the "It's the holiday season and normally slow" when questioned about the lack of available work.
What MDI-MD did - anon
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I think your recollection is correct. I cannot remember the exact day of MDI's infamous conference call, but I always felt blindsided because my liaison had kept telling me that they were going to get a huge account in September, so my slowdown actually started in late summer. I was shocked at the conference call when the merger was announced. "Big account" indeed. Liar, liar, pants on fire.

WMX - webbie

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Having read everyone's stories,I feel sick! I truly hope this is wrong but it looks similar. Personally, if they ARE lying to us and there is a buyout, I would not stay. I will clean bathrooms if I have to support myself before working for anyone this dishonest. Time will tell, just saying. 15 years ago the smaller company I was working for was bought out by MQ and I left in 2 months. This was before the mass exodus, but I could see the writing on the wall then. They had a representative from MQ come talk to us. He went on and on about how these really wealthy bankers were backing MQ with the stocks and how lucky we were! Then, as he was leaving, he took our professional rental coffee pot in our break room to return, no more freebies! That did it for me!

If we get bought out by a larger company, would it be better with more work? Would - we be able to keep our jobs? nm

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buyout - webbie
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I was only involved in this once, a very long time ago, but what I have heard usually happens is that they keep you, but usually benefits and pay are the same standard as the company buying you out, and usually that means less. May not be true 100% of time, but often. I would love to hear the others on here respond as well, I am motivated to look a lot harder for more work! We could all be over reacting...it just seems suspicious that this is so similar to what has happened to other transcriptionists when they were bought out.By the beginning of next year we should know...and would be able to see if new accounts are added. I have been posting that I usually have work, and Friday was ok, but today was really really low across all my accounts!
No, it would not be better if you got bought out - anon
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The big nationals are all becoming sharks. They saw how being ruthless benefited MedQuist, so they are all now madly reading its playbook. Look at what happened with the people at MDI when they went with Transcend. Being bought out will help the stockholders; it will most certainly NOT help the MTs.

WMX Impartial FYI - In a nutshell

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The work is not being farmed out or spread out to accomodate the less fortunate. MGMT is still and will be for some time consolidating/streamlining accounts, and STM territories. If you've been one of the fortunate to have had work all this time, and or regularly having OT parties, please take advantage of it and enjoy it while you can, as more changes are to come. The accounts inundated with more work than usual (for the MTs with no work take note) its only due new systems being implemented and they are using WMX services to play "catch up." If you note that many big names are migrating to new EMR technology, this will have a big impact on WMX services being utilized by them, unfortunately not always a positive for WMX'ers.

First time on a Friday night no work - Webmedackkkkk!

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So I came on here just to see if anyone else would mention being out of work and here you (we) all are.

I have never run out of work on a Friday night. I guess all the folks who didn't have enough work earlier in the week are on the clock now. Wow. Rats.

Yes, that is exactly what's happened - In a nutshell

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Yes, and for that we have the speech engine to thank for that, as they are being fed through the speech engine majority of the day, they don't get coughed out until late afternoon. They are then snatched up as quick as they are being spit out by you guessed it all of those that sat through the NSA all day. Another important factor and common sense reason for no work is very simply the speech recognition platform they are now utilizing for 80% of the jobs coming in. Would be interesting to know the exact percentage. WMX is utilizing the SR engine regardless of what their clients at the front end are choosing, because it increases their profits. Those jobs are completed 2-3-4x faster than straight typing, saving on payroll at the cheaper line rate, but with the dilemma of the majority of the accounts are now overstaffed. It costs them nothing to have MTs sitting waiting for the jobs to come in. Hiring 120 more MTs for a new account? Right. Sure they are. Don't see it happening.

First time on a Friday night no work - Webmedackkkkk! - unhappywmxer

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I too had only 2 hours of work on Friday, had NO WORK WHATSOEVER on Saturday, and now it's Sunday, and here I sit reading this board because AGAIN there is NO WORK. Have a total of 6 hours logged this week. Very, very unhappy with this company. I have never seen so many 0's on the community page in over 4 years working for this company. Something is definitely up!
Unhappywmxer - Former MDI/Transcend
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I am really sorry this is happnening to all of you. However, the warning signs are all there. We were nearly at risk for homelessness when the crapola hit the fan with MDI-MD/Transcend's merger, as I literally had no work for months on end and kept being told that big accounts were coming. (Yeah, right.) I was stupid enough to believe it and stay on. Be awake and alert to the signs that you see. Take action NOW. Make a plan B. Good luck to all of you.
May be a dumb question, but how does merging in the works - affect the wordload now. nn
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There were Transcend employees training on our accounts - For anticipated ship-jumping.
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ship jumping - webbie
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Thanks for your reply, I was wondering the same thing, it didn't make sense to me why we were low if it was in the works. Ok...anyone from another company training on some new accounts want to comment? MQers?
Yeah, can someone pls tell us if you're training for our work, so - we can jump. nm
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But weren't you already merged by then? nm - Different situation?
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That makes no sense to me, that this is happening at Wmx.
No. - see msg
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We had access to see exactly how much work was available on every account. There were days when it would consistently show little to no work, and this went on for months. These accounts hadn't changed. We had worked these accounts for years and knew them like the back of our hands. We knew the slow periods, etc. Then all of a sudden *poof* all but a few accounts just dried up.

Then the announcement came that MDI was sold to Transcend and we would be transitioning over to Transcend employees starting after the first of the year (which ended up being February).

We asked consistently if there were Transcend workers working on our accounts but were repeatedly reassured that we were the only ones on them. Yet, on the emails to the team members on our accounts after February, there were new names that we hadn't had on them before. Who were the new people? New hires? Why would they need to hire more people in February for accounts with no work in August, September, November, December, and January?

Common sense would tell you that SOMEONE had to be doing this work during that period. A client isn't going to stay with a company if the work isn't getting done for months on end.
Re: NO - anon
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Face it, we were lied to, plain and simple. I was dumb enough to buy it. I nearly lost my home because I had no money. It will take me years to pay off the debt. Please, please, please, Webbies, learn from our experience and PROTECT YOURSELVES AND YOUR FAMILIES!
Does anyone have any inside info? - Not that I doubt you
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In fact, everything I have read here and seen for myself since the recent layoffs and low work have made me start looking elsewhere. Which I hate, because I wanted to just stay here after jumping the TitaniQ.

But does anyone have info from their team leads, management, etc., either from Transcend or others who knew what was coming and couldn't say anything at the time? Anyone got more details?
no inside info here - webbie
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I think from reading the posts that it is just the similarities to the situation between us and MDI-MD, where they were lied to and bought out, I don't think anyone is saying for sure this is what is happening. I am hoping for the best but preparing for the worst to be on the safe side. I am not jumping yet, it is conjecture, but I did freshen up my resume and am interviewing for a part time job to hedge my bets! I really really hope they are wrong and that there ARE more accounts coming! But, I don't want to be caught and blindsided like those from MDI-MD were either!
I'm doing the same thing - poster you replied to
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I applied for another PT job too. I guess if I get it I won't be so frustrated when there is no work at webmedx. As someone else pointed out, the nsa problem is system wide and sudden except for a couple of accounts. I did have another positive thought about that - maybe everyone else is working like crazy to suck up the work while they can before anything bad happens, if it does.

I wish they would tell us if the work load is significantly decreased or our production is up, just keep us informed what is going on! The fact that they don't is a bad sign to me.
no work - me too
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It's interesting that you can still access this board with your work computer, since I got blocked out totally once I made a couple of "negative" comments about Webmedx on here.

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