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Something is up with my account at MDI - Stressed

Posted: Nov 24, 2009

I am not sure if this is going on with your accounts, but I have noticed on my primary that there are a lot of old reports in there, from days and days ago.  A few weeks back my team leader said ignore those TAT times because they were pulling old stuff for "training."  It started with DS, and now I notice that there are old H&Ps and Consults in there.  So I am wondering if they are training Transcend employees to do my account, maybe VR, or I guess it could be the hospital training in-house MTs.  Anybody have an idea?

I don't know - MDI2

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I think I know which account you're talking about. This is totally new to this account, never happened before when they trained new people on it, so definitely cause to be suspicious. I don't know what's going on but all my accounts are drier than dirt this week and I'm scraping, scraping, scraping.

very suspicious - stressed

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My accounts have been low too, but I figured it is because of the big push over the weekend to get things emptied out for the holiday. Holidays are always slow, but the companies still want a full crew for some reason.

But this new "training" has no explanation. I am trying not to speculate, but my gut is telling me its no good!

Cross training - DMZ

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I have never seen such a bunch of paranoid people - the workload is low due to the upcoming holiday. We've been inundated with work the last month. As for the "training" well, I'm one of the "trainees" learning some other accounts and I've been with MDI over 4 years....the idea is to know alot of accounts and work on them so you are always busy....get a grip, people. I feel like I'm in the middle of a psychiatric report. :)
Boy are you gonna be ticked making 4 cents on VR later on! nm - get ready
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I'm with you, everyone needs to get a grip.nm - none
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Some of us are paranoid with job history that supports same. - sm
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and then this sort of thing is also totally new and scary to others. Lighten up sister, we're all in the same boat ya know. Some see the storm with confidence and some see it with worry.
Paranoia - not worry - DMZ
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I don't see worry - I see paranoia, cohorts acting like victims instead of adults. It's one thing to voice a concern and address it to the appropriate person for an answer. Lots of people have undergone pay cuts or job losses in EVERY industry - now it's hitting ours. Deal with it and move forward instead of lamenting about what you had....the past is past, and you can't change it. So move forward and try and be positive. We may all be in the same boat, but some of us are chosing to sink instead of swim.
Simply, not everyone will see the writing on the wall! - still swimming
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Been swimming with them for the last year thinking things will get better, but now barely staying afloat anymore!
not crazy! - stressed
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I take a little offense here. I have been going along with all this merger stuff, minding my own business and also training for alternate accounts. But I have NEVER crosstrained on jobs that are weeks old (which I would have to guess have already been typed). Are you telling me that you are training on old old reports??? This is not the way MDI cross trains. I did not even start at MDI on old reports. Just on DS. So, this lead me to believe that someone else is doing the training!
Cross training - DMZ
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Well, they are old reports - why would they continue to cross train on a new job that has to go to QA and may sit for several hours before being looked at? Wouldn't you think that would jeopardize patient care? I didn't start at MDI on old reports either...but this kind of a change doesn't seem detrimental to me at all....old reports seem much more reasonable to train on when you don't have to worry about a time frame for turnaround.
New to me - stressed
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Well I hope that is the explanation. Just never been trained that way, and I have cross trained recently. So thanks for the info, even it it was snippy.

BTW, if you are being cross trained on my account, good luck getting any work. Why do you think I am sitting her posting on MT stars right now?
Your account? - DMZ
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What makes it YOUR account? I'm on over 10-12 accounts at MDI with cross training at various points since I started 4 years ago. I have plenty of work. Sorry if you think my response was snippy, but it was just meant to be an answer in kind. As for those who say MDI doesn't train that way on old reports, well, maybe in the past they didn't - but that doesn't mean things can't change. It still makes more sense to me to use old reports to avoid worrying about turnaround and QA review if there are any issues with what has been transcribed. Good luck to all.
Stupid is as stupid does - Tina
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and these companies are not stupid but apparently they think we are. They aren't going to train someone on old reports because they would be making no money on those reports but would still have to pay the trainees. Come on!!!
Good point; at times I wonder if DMZ is CB on damage patrol... - ???
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I'm sure she's not, but she's so snippy towards anyone who posts negatively about MDI or questions anything I always wonder if she's management in disguise, and I've never before accused or wondered this about a poster.

Snipe away, DMZ. I won't bother to read whatever you might post back.
Who DMZ is - anon
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is a CB wannabe.
Cross training - my experience was only with current reports. - choosing to stay calm
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Every acct I have cross trained on (many) I was trained on current work. But, I was recently told when I asked about the old reports that indeed, they were for cross training purposes. The ones I saw on the backlog were months old. I agree with DMZ, just a change, not something nefarious in the works.
Choosing to stay calm - DMZ
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Yes, the reports were months old - back from Aug/Sept for a few....I don't care what these whiners think - MDI has been good to me, and change is inevitable in every work situation. If you can't adapt to it, then find something else to do. As for me being management, well that's really laughable - but some people aren't happy if they can't gossip about things...as for me being snippy, well, I guess it all depends on how you interpret things. The way I look at it, if all those paranoid, suspicious, sure that India is involved MLS posters leave for "greener pastures" it will be more work for the rest of us with the merger. Enough said.
Note to DMZ - choosing to stay calm
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I know you aren't management. MDI has been good to me too. I am not without worries or even sometimes feeling paranoid about it all. I just can't stand the feeling so I push myself to not go there as best I can and to try my best to protect myself, my livelihood in the areas I CAN affect. Many of these things, if they all bear out to be true, we cannot affect at this point, unfortunately (and yes it SUCKS) like cross training of Transcenders on "our" accounts (guess what, "our" accounts are now "theirs" too, ultimately), or my fav account being trained on VR (say it isn't so), or India, or MDI/transcend lying and screwing us over. I can't stop any of those things - if I knew for sure worrying and whining would change any one of those items, by gosh, I would do it 24/7. If someone has some concrete action that we/I/you can take to affect any of these things, please, let me know. Otherwise, that is why I choose to (try) to stay calm.

If all the awful most extreme worryings here come to be, well, I will go on with the next step. I am not without leads and possibilities for other MT work. I think we all need to do this for ourselves, not be insulated - find our own balance between head in the sand and jumping ship before it really is in our best interests.

I appreciate DMZ's posts because of the balancing effect of her matter-of-fact way of viewing things. Her posts actually make me feel better.

I'm not paranoid but I don't believe MDI either - cool as a cucumber
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I believed them months ago when, over the summer, when we had no work and they said it was just a dry spell and that work would pick up. For weeks, MTs sat without work, waiting and hoping.

I wanted to believe them when they said things would stay the same with the merger. Yet, line counts have been dropped, SE status is gone, etc.

I no longer believe them when they say these reports are for training new MTs. I believe the reports are on there because of the account going to VR. I've done VR before and had no problem with it, was able to produce 300 to 400 lph with it at MQ.

I'm not paranoid or suspicious; I'm intelligent and responsible. I no longer believe anything they're telling us and I've already begun the process of looking for another job. I'm not against change, just against lying.
Cool as a cucumber - Maggie
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You sentence I'M NOT AGAINST CHANGE, JUST AGAINST LYING is the smartest response I have seen to this whole situation. I nearly lost my home because I went for months listening to my liaison saying she did not know where the work was. D herself had said that come September there would be a bit new account coming on. Yeah, well, I would not call this exactly that. Like you, I am intelligent and responsible. And like you, I do not believe a word they say. They have proven to me that they are no longer trustworthy. When I was a little kid my father used to say that everyone had their price and would sell out at a certain point; I think we have just been sold, literally and figuratively. To leave MTs sitting all summer with no work while not telling the truth is unconscionable. Do they realize how many lives were affected by this? Do they even care?
you're not crazy - MDI2
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You're right - this is NOT how MDI trains for accounts. They have always used new reports with a quick note sent to QA so it can get looked at quickly and not sit and sit. I've been there for 4 years on many different accounts and I have never seen week-old reports being reloaded for training on any account except recently this one. I'm not speculating as to why it's being done, could be for nothing more than they say, but I do agree that this is not how MDI trains or cross-trains, at least since I've been there.
MD12 - anon
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It sure smells like INDIA to me. Everybody had better wake up and smell the curry.

Accounts dry - upset MT

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I had slim pickens on both of my accounts yesterday. Because of the mistruths I have been told, of course I am suspicous.

I would guess - sm

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that it is training the machine for becoming a VR account. I am sure that where the client agrees, they will transition as much as possible to VR, and then of course pay us at 1/2 rate.

Not even 1/2 the rate - stressed

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4 cpl is less than 1/2 the rate. I just hope I can get out of this profession before all my accounts go to VR. Been there, done that, went broke.

Same thing my accounts - MDI2

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Both of my accounts have jobs that are out of TAT and we were told these were pulled jobs for "training"

Training who? the new VR system is my bet.

I don't believe anything they say anymore. They lost my trust back in August.

Transcend was hiring for some of MDI accounts. I was - offered a position with an Acute-care Teaching

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facility with heavy ESL back in October. Didn't accept because pay was too low for my experience.

Well played, because that account is miserable - RubySoho

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I was on it about 6 months and asked to be switched to another account. Pure misery (and I've been doing ESLs for 20 years).

MDI accounts - pumpernickel

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Did they tell you specifically it for was an account they were getting from MDI. We have been told very plainly that no, none of our MDI work is going to Transcenders. I'm wondering if this was a lie straight to our face.

Stressed - Jeeves

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I can guess what is happening. I think they are sending it to the India. This whole thing stinks on ice.

Stressed - Jeeves

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Whoops, going too fast, I meant to say going to the INDIANS, not to the India. Sorry!

Me too, but a different problem - technical issues

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Almost every one of my reports so far today has had blanks, even the great dictators, because of technical issues, missing words or chunks of sentences not recorded, etc. I know someone will say this is paranoid but it almost seems like a trap to make us look bad and find another excuse to decrease one's line rate...

but they have addressed this, there IS a problem and they are working on it.nm - anon

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All I can say - Tina

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is that I was with MDI-FL. After the merger, things steadily went downhill. Most all MDI accounts switching over to the BT platform (which is a great thing). Unfortunately, they somehow didn't mention that the account was going to VR until after the switch. Then they assured that it would be 3-4 months...6 weeks later, with no VR training, the account was switched over to VR. How intelligent is that to not train the 3 primary MTs that had worked that account for years (2 of them for 6 years)?

All I can say is that you WILL be going to VR, so be prepared. Don't wait till last minute to get trained on it. Start the learning process now. You will be earning about 5.8 cents per line for VR work, unless they have lowered the rate since I've left. I was making 10 cents per line at that time for straight typing.

They will string you along to try to keep you working till they get new MTs in place to do the work you've done for years (Telling you, "Don't worry, nothing is going to change. Things are going to stay just like they've always been. We are going to keep just the 3 of you on this account." BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!)

You will also find that the easier dictators are nowhere to be found. At least that was my experience. Funny how the account I was on had all these great dictators but I pretty much stopped seeing any of their dictations after the switch to BT and VR. I would also find on days that there were better dictators, that the work flew out of the queue but days that had difficult dictators, there was plenty of work for me to do.

Anyway, it's not paranoia folks...it's the reality of what's going to happen. They are getting things ready for the switch to VR. I truly don't know if Transcend sends any work to India or not. I've never heard that but I sure wouldn't put it past them. Sad thing is, you won't know till it's all done and over and not a thing you can do about it.

VR rate - mthere

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MDI is paying 4 cpl for VR right now and I doubt any of the contracts had a higher VR rate listed in them. Maybe current Transcenders are getting a higher VR rate. It's apparent that most of us MDIers are coming in at a higher typing rate than most Transcenders are getting, but I suppose that will be irrelavant if most of the work moves to VR and we are contracted to do it for less. :(

Good point there - nm

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It has been known for some time that Transcend outsources - Write up in the AJC papers out of Atlanta

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I had the paper, no longer, but someone on here still has and it has been posted some time ago.

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