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Anyone else noticing that VR is suddenly capitalizing - a LOT of generics that it

Posted: Jun 15, 2015

wasn't capping before?  WTH?  Is this just another sneaky way to catch us on medication errors, which happen to be nice 3-points-off errors that I am sure they love?  I suggest everyone double check all meds now, even though it takes extra time.  I myself do know which are or are not capped for a lot of meds, but not all of them, and it is very easy to let one slip....I think I let one slip on my last report!  Waiting for the email telling me I failed and then the huge pay cut.  

VR capping - busymt

[ In Reply To ..]
I have noticed that for a while now so unless I am 150% positive it is a brand, I will either put an x in front of or behind the med and double check it at spell check. Takes more time but at least I haven't had those kinds of errors. Cannot wait to get away from this career altogether.

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