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Running out of work for weeks and suddenly - whatever

Posted: Apr 16, 2013

the work skyrockets overnight like nothing we have had in at least 2 months or more. I had to ask why all of a sudden did the workload go up so high? I found my answer-earthquake hit India yesterday/last night so my guess is many of the MTs over there can't work. This company gets "better" all the time. My days are numbered and I will be so glad to stop playing the Nuance game and be done with this place.

Exactly - Anon

[ In Reply To ..]
I remember when India had that huge power outage last year. Work had been pretty slow but of course with the outage Nuance went into its rah-rah-rah mode and encouraged everyone to work extra hours to get the backlog down. Of course once we got the numbers under control and India was back up and running, Nuance kicked us to the curb and tossed us a few scraps.

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