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Out of work Policy Question - Justabouthadit

Posted: Jul 05, 2013

Has anyone ever contacted HR definitively about the NJA policy?  Our new CCM is telling us we have to stay punched in for the "15 minute" wait, then punch out and fill out a Remedy ticket.  If we get a job within that 15 minute period, the wait begins again.  That would mean potentially we have to sit at our desk all day, only getting a job every 14 minutes!  When I asked how that would affect my benefit policy, she said "the lines you actually transcribe will offset some of that."  Huh?  So, if I'm a high producer, those lines I did manage to make are spread out throughout the day, that is supposed to be compensation? 

My old TSM told us to punch out, wait 15 minutes, and then check for work.  If there was none, we were supposed to fill out a ticket.  This seems more correct and legal.

Obviously no one will answer the phone in HR, so who can we ask?  Has anyone ever got in touch with them and, if so, what was their answer?

you'll get many different answers here too - will work for food

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Some will insist that your TSM is correct, others will not. In Fluency, it's possible to clock out but not log out and wait for another job to appear in your queue. I'm pretty sure that even though you are logged in, as long as there is not a document open on your screen, it doesn't count against you. I base this on that graph thing, not plummeting when I do this. If no job shows up in 15 minutes, I put in my ticket for work availability.

I think if you are clocked in and getting one job every 15 minutes, this is really will work against you (in other words, I think your TSM is wrong) but it seems everyone interprets it differently and it really is a crappy rule because it can be interpreted so many different ways.

Thanks for your reply! - justabouthadit

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I had a feeling I would get different opinions, which is why I was hoping someone actually contacted HR. My old CCM took the policies literally, and didn't add her own interpretation or stipulations like my new one does. She said the policy stated "consecutive 15 minutes," which it doesn't state and all, and when I called her on it, she couldn't find it either and said "well, that's how I have always done it," with an attitude in her voice. I wasn't trying to be difficult; I just wanted an answer that she could document for me. Oh well, I guess I will just keep hoping HR actually returns my call.

Thanks again!

I wouldn't - Work for food 2

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Please, it's nice for them if they can talk you into that . . .

How many W4 employees do you know of that clock in and out and hang around the work site all day waiting to be able to punch in to take out the trash?

None. If you are a 40-hour a week employee even if you are getting paid on production if you show up to work and they have none it's their problem. It's certainly not your problem to be tied up all day fishing for work and catching nothing.

I show up and there is no work - they pay me. They do not own me, and after a few hours of no work, I punch out and go do something more productive. So far it has not been a problem, but any day they want to make this a problem I say - bring it. I can prove there was no work and if I babysit I get paid. If they are not paying me, I'm not hovering over this computer like it's my sick dying grandmother free gratis. No way.

from my TSM - anon

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This is from an email received from my TSM a few months back about the NJA policy. I am typing it directly from the email:

To summarize when the MR experiences the NJA message:

Immediately clock out of teamwork, noting the time he/she clocked out.

If additional work comes to the MT before 15 minutes is up, they should then clock back into teamwork and continue transcribing.

If after 15 minutes they do not receive any additional work, they would then be responsible for adding 15 minutes of work availability pay to their time card, submitting a time off request if not making up the time and opening a work availability ticket per the policy.

*****now in saying that above, my frustration is it is unclear if you get a job in 10 minutes after waiting, you transcribe/edit it and then there is not another job in your que, I think you have to restart the process of clocking back out, waiting 15 minutes, etc. And at the end of an 8 hour shift you might have any amount of dead time waiting for jobs that you aren't being compensated for. And for me that doesn't sound fair.

Its a terrible policy.
Policy - justabouthadit
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That is exactly my point. Theoretically, I could only get 1 job every 14 minutes. That would mean I have to sit at my desk all day for a few minutes worth of work! Why have an entire team sitting around grabbing 1 job at a time, instead of having the few who want to check back or make up time do it? If I'm still clocked in that whole time, I don't even have the option of making up time and getting a decent check (if there is work). I will technically have 8 hours, but only get pad for a few minutes. That doesn't seem legal to me, not to mention ethical.

I'm not trying to cause trouble, I just want, in writing, which is the correct procedure, stay punched in, or punch out. It doesn't seem like so much to ask.
It does not seem fair not to get paid while waiting. - dnr
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I searched long and hard through labor laws in my state (California). It was hard to find. This is what I found. If you were working in an office, you would have to be paid, but, if you are telecommunting from home, you are considered to have the freedom to do other things while waiting for work, so you don't have to be paid for waiting for work.

What a load. . . - anon
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That sucks big time.
But... - Des
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...we have to be AVAILABLE for work. If nothing else, this falls under compensation for required on-call, and it's regardless of location of workspace (i.e. in-house vs remote).

You might want to check for laws regarding on-call compensation, which most certainly applies to our situation.
Addendum... - Des
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I found this, which supports your statement, but doesn't necessarily waive our rights. It seems that it is at the discretion of the employer; and, of course, MTSOs will say that we are free to come and go as we please while we're waiting for work, which would release them of the responsibility of paying us while we're waiting. HOWEVER, since we have strict line count requirements and are most often REQUIRED to make up our time whenever there IS work, this restricts our ability to come and go as we please during our scheduled workweek and our scheduled off time (some of us have to come in at all hours of the day and night just to get work), thereby making the MTSOs responsible for paying us for this time spent waiting for work.

I don't know about anyone else, but when I'm out of work, I stay very close to my computer and check often to see if work has trickled in. This significantly limits my "come and go" ability, as I can't go grocery shopping, can't begin a project at home, can't go take a nap, etc. These limitations on our time during our required schedule hours make the MTSOs responsible for paying us. I know they'll say we don't HAVE to do this, but they'll make it impossible to survive if we don't.

Here's some more info:

"Uncontrolled Standby. An employee who must be available to respond to a request by the employer to return to work for an emergency may be on uncontrolled standby if the employee is completely unrestricted to use his or her time for their own purposes. Such "free" standby time is not under the control of the employer and, thus, need not be paid.


Controlled Standby. If the employee's time is so restricted that she cannot pursue personal activities and come and go as she pleases, the employer is considered to have direction and control of the employee. The DLSE has adopted the test which the California Supreme Court announced in the case of Madera Police Officers Assn. v. City of Madera (1984) 36 Cal.3d 403, and will apply that test to determine the extent of control.


The Madera court applied a two-part preliminary analysis to determine whether the time was compensable. The first part of the test measures whether the restrictions placed on the employee are primarily directed toward the fulfillment of the employer's requirements and policies. Second, is the employee substantially restricted so as to be unable to attend to private pursuits? 


Regarding the second prong of the test, the Madera court also indicated that the trier of fact must examine the restrictions cumulatively to assess their overall effect on the worker's uncompensated time. In other words, the net impact of the restrictions must be considered. Note that the court did not hold that no restrictions as to time and space could be placed on the employee; only that the restrictions could not be substantial enough to prevent the employee from attending to private pursuits. 


The factors to be considered in determining whether an employee is on controlled standby are similar to the federal guidelines and include:

(1) whether there are excessive geographical restrictions on employees' movements; (2) whether the frequency of calls is unduly restrictive; (3) whether a required response time is unduly restrictive; (4) whether the on-call employee can easily trade his on-call responsibilities with another employee, and (6) the extent of personal activities engage d in during o n-call time. (O.L . 1998.12.28)


The simple requirement that the employee wear a cell phone, pager or beeper, standing alone, does not require that the employee be paid for all the hours the device is on. Additionally, the DLSE does not take the position that simply requiring the employee to respond to call backs is so inherently intrusive as to require a finding that the employee is under the control of the employer. Such factors as (1) geographical restrictions on employee's movements; (2) required response time; (3) the nature of the employment; and, (4) the extent the employer's policy would impact on personal activities during on-call time, must all be considered.


The bottom-line consideration is the amount of "control" exercised by the employer over the activities of the employee. In some cases, the employer can be said to be exercising some control over his employee at all times. For instance, the "duty of loyalty" found in Labor Code §2863 requires that employees give   preference to the business of his employer over any personal business of the employee. However, such attenuated "control" does not give rise to an obligation to pay the employee. However, once the employer exercises immediate control over the employee's activities, the employee must be compensated for this time. (O.L. 1993.03.31, 1992.01.28)"

Yeah, so go do something else, watch TV, fold laundry, meditate - whatever floats your boat
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do you stay clocked in for this - just wondering
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are you saying you stay clocked in while not working?
no; not clocked in - anon
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No; not clocked in while waiting for work; per my TSM's instructions we are to clock out when NJA and waiting for work.
You are doing piece work that you signed up for... - sm
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pieces (reports) = pay; no pieces = no pay. Not so hard to understand.
Wrong, we are employees, not seamstresses - I do not sew
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working in our own sewing business. The only thing we have in common with a seamstress is the word "stress."
very true. I would rather do piece work at home than go clock in for 8 hours straight any day - people will always find something to complain abou
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except then there's that time clock - see message
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We wouldn't mind doing piece work and getting paid on production if we were not tied to a stupid schedule and time clock. Why should they have it both ways?
Piecework - justabouthadit
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I agree with this, other than I am now required to be clocked in while I wait for work. As I am clocked in, this takes away my opportunity to try to make up the time later, when there is work. I have always been willing and able to make up any time with NJA, but now I do not have that option. It seems they would rather have people make up time later and keep the TAT current, than waste time sitting at a computer just in case. If things get backed up at the end of the week, any extra work they need people to do will now be OT instead of just straight time. Maybe there is a strategy here that I don't get(?).
Actually by law we are not piecework employees.. - me
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We receive W2s and have benefits available, therefore we are employees not pieceworkers. If we were only pieceworkers, we would be getting a 1099 instead of a W2. They are treating us like pieceworkers instead of employees and actually according to IRS laws they can't do that. Your either an employee or a piecework contractor, they can't treat you as both.
incorrect - MT is not piece work - nm
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well technically it is - because we get paid by the line but see msg
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My brother sometimes hires people to write copy, and they get paid for what they produce, the same $ whether it takes them a week or a month. When I told him we were on a time clock, he couldn't understand that. That's because it doesn't make sense.
no, technically it is not - nm
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I don't know how you can say that - we are paid on production
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what do you think piece work is?
Better than previously just sitting there your whole shift - Former JLG MT
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I have done that many holidays.

out of work policy question - neenee

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well....from my personal experience, HR never answers the phone whatsoever. I had a definite legitimate beef with the job misrepresentationand got an appt to have a phone conversation with them only after constant calls and complaints (albeity reluctantly) to and thru my TSM. They "talked" to me but all the while in a beligerant tone of voice, impatient and condescending, making constant comments like a Myna bird, saying "THERE IS NO GUARANTEE, THERE IS NO GUARANTEE" over and over till I thought I would scream. Then they promised to look into a new account, better cpl (well, there is no such thing really, only difference is 0.413 or 0.462 between Escription and Dictaphone) so go figure, I still can't live on that even if I was Wonder Woman and could edit 500 lph which is out of reach since I was always OOW or putting in tickets for tech support or on mandatory conference calls, or reading FIESA feedback or RDR or, or, or, you name it, too much to comprehend that gets in the way of actually "working" and producing. I quickly quit after realizing $30-40 a day was all I was being allowed to earn and now have to jump thru unemployment hoops as to why I quit, did I try to resolve the issue? and so on and so forth. BECAUSE I TOOK ANOTHER JOB! BOTTOM LINE! END OF STORY! I CANNOT OR WILL NOT EVER TRUST THIS COMPANY AND AS UE KNOWS, THEY HAD TO DO A MINIMUM WAGE CONVERSION BECAUSE I EARNED LESS THAN WHAT I COULD GET TO FLIP BURGERS DOWN AT RALLY'S. SO, I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE NEED TO INVESTIGATE THAT I HAD A VALID REASON TO QUIT. I CAN'T MAKE THE MONEY I NEED PERIOD! AND THE WORK IS NOT THERE TO POTENTIALLY MAKE THE MONEY I NEED. DOUBLE PERIOD. yi, yi, yi

How I handle it is just - pretty much do

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as I please... sometimes I clock out, sometimes I stay clocked in. Sometimes I work off the clock when I have a few spare minutes not in my "shift." They have made it this way now, and this is how I have adapted to life in this jungle. It's now survival of the fittest. And before anyone starts screaming about me taking their work, not to worry; I will be far, far away from this madness soon.

I do this too! - shhhhhh....

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Stay clocked in for legal minimum wage - xx

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By law, if they have not told you to take the day off, and require you to wait for work, you must be paid for the waiting. By clocking out you are cutting your own throats and will not be paid. It's the federal labor law reqarding waiting for work time and pay, not state law.

They aren't really paying us, though - unless we average less than minimum wage for the w

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The only way they are paying us for this time spent waiting is if it lowers our pay soo much that we average less than minimum wage for the entire week and they have to pay us make up pay (same with the "paid" 15-minute breaks). So in reality, they're screwing us out of money! Along with sending us a nasty email about having to pay us make up pay!

edt: I didn't realize this was on the MModal board until after I posted, so it might not apply (I'm not familiar with MModal's policies) but this is how it is at the other one, nasty Nuance!

Exactly, that's what they are doing NM - xx

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depart of labor rules link FYI - xx

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I have attached for you to review the general rules for employment. Enjoy.


Out of work as we - speak...

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Bottom line, if you play by the rules in this place, you will get $cr3wd royally without getting kissed. My advice: Make your own rules, get as much as you possibly can and get out as soon as possible.

It's YOUR choice to work for cents per line rather than - sm

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getting paid an hourly rate. No one is FORCING you to stay at your current place of employment if you feel you are being treated unfairly, not being paid enough, not able to make ends meet, etc. You are not doing slave labor, you signed up for it. Slaves had no choice...

I am getting paid by the hour. - Not my choice.

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I work above the minimum line rate, but due to living in a state that is the highest for minimum wage, I get paid by the hour. So, I believe it is slave rate pay. I also work in a clinic and make more than 2 times the amount I make minimum wage.

Something is wrong with this picture, especially when I was making 3 times the amount as an MT decades ago. Nothing has changed with my work or ethics for MM, just MM paying slave wages.

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