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Could someone PLEASE help me with a question about Transcend policy?? - me

Posted: Feb 02, 2010

I have a question about Transcend policy for which i would really like to get an accurate answer. 

I am currently working as a full time employee for them, which requires a minimum of 7 hours per day, in addition to the $900 gross pay per check.  However, I am able to make the $900 gross pay in about 3 hours' work per day and can far exceed it in 4 to 5 hours a day.  Also, I have no need of their insurances.  In short, I have no real need to worry over working 7 hours a day for them.

Finally, from what I can tell in the employee handbook, there is no set maximum restriction on how many lines a part time employee can do in a day.

So here's my question:  If I go down to a part time employee, but continue to do, say 1,200 to 1,500 lines a day for them, is there any penalty I will incur, or will they get pi$$ed at me because I'm doing full time lines on a part time schedule??  Or if the work gets a little light (which it has been for some time now anyway), will they kick me off the system??

If there are any truly experienced Transcenders out there who can give me an accurate answer on this one, I would be truly grateful.  I am currently working another job besides Transcend and trying to balance the 2 jobs and still give them their stupid 7 hours is killing me.  Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!!!

what about your PTO? - MDI4now

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I'm not an experienced Transcender, but what about your PTO? As a PT employee, there is no PTO. Just something I thought I'd point out.

Answers to Transcend policy - longtimemt

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I have worked at Transcend for 6 years. Up until the training to use TimeSaver there was no policy for (or at least I had not heard of a policy) for number of hours per day since they added VR to the job criteria. Before that it was 1200 lines/8 hours for FT and 600 lines/4 hour for PT for straight typing. Then they went to $450 and $900 as the criteria for PT and FT. I still have to check the handbook for the new hourly information. Our ROM did say that there were going to be a lot of changes this year for Transcend employees (I'm not sure if that is a good thing.) I am currently working PT and I can tell you they do not care how many lines or hours you work as long as the work is there. That is from current and past experience. Hope this helps.

They are really stressing the hours to us MDIers - EX-MDIer, now Transcend

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I signed up for part-time and was told I had to do 20 hours a week. I can do enough lines in 2 hours a day 5 days a week to get my $450.00 a pay period. It sucks having an hours requirement too. I feel like Big Brother is definitely watching, and that is really sad.

Why not drop the other PT job and stay with Transcend - full-time? Just curious. Congrats on the big buck

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Who told you you have to work 7 hours per day? - I was told ONLY the 900 gross matters

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I came in via a merger, and my schedule with the original company was 32 hours a week, which I accomplished by working 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, with the extra 2 hours slotted in here and there. 32 hours was the minimum required by the old company for full-time status.

When we all became Transcend employees, nobody EVER told me I had to work more hours. My shift has stayed exactly the same. Like you, I have NO trouble meeting (and exceeding) the $900 per pay period gross. Long story a whole lot shorter, for a month or so a while back I had a temporary supervisor who had worked for Transcend for a number of years, so she should be in a position to know. I asked her the question because at the time, I was NOT going to reach 32 hours in a particular week, and I wanted to know how hard-and-fast that was. She told me as far as full-time status, it is NOT the hours, it's the gross pay. Period.

So... I wonder if perhaps in your situation, it's a matter of covering the shift you are working...? If they've gotten used to your producing the amount of work you do during your shift, if you cut back on your time, likely they'd have to move some other people around to cover the work you are no longer doing...?

If your supervisors are not willing to discuss adjusting your hours to better suit your needs, you might want to bring it to the employee advocate's attention.

I cannot imagine why they would penalize you for producing that many lines per day even if your status is "part time." But... I am not the person in charge, so I don't actually KNOW. I am only speculating.

Since you don't need the benefits, the only other ramification of your going part time, as another poster said, is the loss of ability to accrue PTO. However... if you work reduced hours and still meet the $900 gross, you certainly SHOULD still accrue PTO. But again... I am not the person in charge, so I can't make any pronouncements that stick. I'm just offering my best guesses, based on what I know and what I've been told.

Do keep us posted on what you find out, and best of luck with it!

Full time hours - longtimemt

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I just looked through the whole employee manual and see no mention of hours for full or part time.

I would really like to trust the employee manual if that is the case - but......

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I was told in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS in an email I received before we transitioned over on 02/01. In that letter, I was informed by my new "ROT" that FT involved $900 gross pay AND 35 hours per week (and she put the AND in capital letters).

This is the most recent information from my superiors that I have, so I have to assume that this is the case.

I would like to stay FT accrue to PTO, but truth is, if 5 or 6 reports come dribbling in, it just doesn't take me that much time to clean them out. So how the crap am I going to give them 7 hours unless I sit up and type around the clock!!

So far there has been about 1200 lines of available work for me for the past week or so (for which I am VERY grateful BTW). But this is about 4 to 4-1/2 hours worth of work for me, so I'm in a quandry here. Unless I take down a report and just let it sit there for awhile and then poke around typing it, I won't have 7 hours. But that would be counter-productive and a total waste of my time.

I'm still very new to this merger and I want to keep an open mind give this a chance to work, but I just DON'T feel comfortable asking these questions to either of my superiors. My TL seems like a sweet kid, but I don't know her very well yet and I'm not sure if I can trust her. My ROM is a real stinker of a witch with whom I have worked for some years and who got promoted with the merger. She's vindictive and very difficult to deal with, so I just can't go to her.

I'm sorry to vent so long here, but really you guys, I'm just exhausted and upset by this whole situation. I guess I just need to talk about it. Thanks for trying to help me with this. Any further info will be appreciated.
Reply to your note - MDI/trans MT
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I agree with not going to our ROM, and I also agree with how you described her. I don't know about you, but when I try to explain something to her she does not try to understand what I say, and totally misinterprets my messages, and totally leaves fuming. I am also exhausted, and I already am having problems. Good luck to you!!
Welcome to my world - TSI Employee
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This is what I do every day at Transcend. I signed on for 8 hours a day, that I am forced to continue, 3rd shift, but only about 4 hours of work comes in during that timeframe, so I spend the rest of my day hunting for work to do.

I asked about a secondary account and was told this one should pick up soon, so just wait and see. By the time I find enough work to make my 8 hours a day, I only have about 3-4 hours to sleep before I have to get up again at 12:45 a.m. to start my new day of drudgery with them. I'm tired all the time. I have no life because I don't feel that I can leave the house until I get my 8 hours in, and I don't want to miss any work that "might" come in while I would be away.

So...if you decide to keep going with them full-time, welcome to my most excellent world of fun. I have a phone appointment with the employee advocate today, so I will see what she has to say. I just got a new part-time job as an IC (don't know when I will fit that in around my Transcend waiting time), but that might just become my new full-time job, as I am ready to say "bye-bye" to Transcend.

I am usually a very positive person, but right now I am just too tired to be positive. Good luck with whatever you decide.
Lines per hour versus hours - longtimemt
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Well if you download a report and let it sit for awhile so you get in your hours then your lines per hour will go down drastically and we were told yesterday that 150 LPH was the very minimum an employee could do and not get in trouble.

I wanted PT also, only 1 drawback I saw. - See message.

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I'm an MDI Transcender. I had strongly wanted to go IC - but in conference calls and subsequent emails with MDI/Transcend mgmt not only was it (to me) seemingly discouraged, it was made very clear to me that the hierarchy is FT, PT, IC. Meaning, if work is crazy slow, IC could get told to stay off of the system. And, then next up would be PT to stay off the system. Now, will this happen, hopefully never.

I could not afford to EVER have that happen as either IC or PT doing extremely FT lines, as you say you want to do.

Anyway, I was told that yes, this could happen if you are IC or PT (being told to not get on the system) if work gets and stays slow.

I'm sure long-time Transcenders could answer more clearly whether this actually happens very often, or if there is leeway. I just know I have to have my entire FT paycheck without fail, and sorta felt forced to take FT.

Good luck.

PT asked to get off system - longtimemt

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As I've stated Ive been PT and FT over the last 6 years and have never, ever heard of PT being told to get off the system at any time. It has been slow in my region for a month and if there was ever a time for someone to be told to get off the system it would be now. I was IC before I was employee and never was told to get off the system either.

Wish I would have talked to you earlier. - Overall, good news. Might have gone with PT or I

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Geez, could you finish that sentence - LOL - me
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If it's "overall, good news" I would sure like to know what it is!!!Please finish your posting.
First of all, how do you make so many - lines in such a s/m
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short period of time? Congrats on that, I wish I could do that myself. Isn't one of the important things to keep in mind the LPH requirement? 150, I believe. You obviously will not have a problem with that, but the shorter the hours versus the lines produced ratio gives you the highest LPH. Am I right about this, Transcenders? I was also wondering if you can be fired if you don't meet the 150 LPH requirement. Is this calculated on a monthly basis, quarterly basis? TIA.
Well, I've just been at this a long time - me
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After so many years, your line rate really does go up. And I am quite familiar with my accounts also, so I average about 300 or so LPH.

But you bring up an interesting point - Is there any "reward" so to speak, for the person who has the higher LPH rate? I mean, if I can show them 300 LPH will they say "Hey great job" or will they say, "Hey why aren't you giving us 2100 lines in 7 hours???

Believe me, there really AREN'T 2100 lines to be had by one person right now, so that's another problem gettig the 7 hours. I would be hogging work from my fellow MTs. And I'm just not gonna do that.

This is what happens when people who are NOT MTs control a company. No one understands the nature of the job and you end up in a lose-lose situation.
I agree with you about non-MTs - making requirements s/m
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There are so many variables involved in producing lines, and it seems as though they think we are robots in a sense. I have been at this a very long time; unfortunately, I had a very bad fall 8 years ago, now have sciatica, and MUST get up from this chair to relieve my pain as much as possible. Combine that with the time I wait for work to come in, unintelligible ESLs, and it is very difficult to consistently make the kind of money I would need to be FT. I just couldn't take the added stress of benefits being pulled.
Totally don't understand the criteria for benefits - MDI/trans MT
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I still don't understand about having benefits taken away. I have heard they don't take benefits away, even if you fall below the required pay per pay period, and then others have said they will take your benefits away after the first pay period if you don't meet the $900 mark. I was told today by my supervisor that they review your performance quarterly and if they find your performance has consistently slipped under the expected amount, they will automatically take your benefits away. I was not the only one to receive a note from our ROM stating that if we did not meet our line count in the first pay period i.e. 02/01/2010 to 02/15/2010, we would have our benefits taken away, no questions asked. This is all too confusing for me. If anyone can shed some light on this, I would certainly be grateful.
Benefits and pay - longtimemt
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I can only go by what I was recently told...I went to part-time as I already have too much stress in my life and my dh has benefits..We were told that the new policy is that they will review your pay every 3 pay periods and if your average falls under the $900 they will pull your benefits so even taking a day off or being sick and not having enough PTO to cover it is going to cost you...you will have to work extra in the pay period before or after to keep your benefits. Our ROM also told us she has no control over it, HR will be doing it from now on.
Who are the non-MTs controlling Transcend? Curious - All TLs, ROMs, CEO, that I know of are MTs?
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Very curious to know, as everyone that seems to matter in the day to day work (CEO, ROM, TLs) every single one is an MT. HR and tech don't need to be. I know at the end at MQ (for me, several yrs ago) it was a nightmare full of supervisors (or whatever they were called there) who were not MTs. Anyway.
Sorry, that was: Might have gone PT or IC. - Instead of FT. NM
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no message

See message - 2-job MT

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I have never worked for Transcend, but your predicament sounds a little like what I went through last year.  I worked for 2 different companies, while I was trying to decide which company I wanted to work for, because my first company kept running out of work and, being a single mom, I could not afford not to have full-time paychecks.   

First, does Transcend have a time clock?   Are you chained to certain hours at each company? Does anyone Email or IM looking for you if you are not typing for any length of time?  

The reason I asked those particular questions was because when things were slow at my first company, I was actually working 2 jobs basically AT THE SAME TIME.  Since I was an IC working for 2 different MTSOs, I was not cheating anyone, so there is no need for anyone to get bent out of shape.  I was not getting benefits, PTO, etc for work time I did not put in.   

I was going to switch MTSOs, but wanted to be sure I liked my second job more than my first job and that there was enough work at the second MTSO to only work one job, so I kept both of them for a few months while I trained and checked out the second company.  I had scheduled my A.M. (Day) job from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and my P.M. (Evening) job from 2:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.  I did not have a time clock at either MTSO, but they did state that they would like me to stick to my schedule, so they had coverage during those hours in case of stats (there were actually never any stats, but I guess that was a good excuse for them to use to make sure we all worked our scheduled hours). 

After a few weeks, my first job was still running out of work, but I was getting burned out from working 16 hours days.   Finally, I decided to try something to see what would happen. 

What happened was that I would get started at my Day job at my scheduled A.M. time, but would run out of work after 2 hours.  So instead of sitting and waiting, I went on to my Evening job even though I was not technically scheduled to begin for another 6 hours.  The second company actually appreciated seeing me sign-in earlier because they had a back-log and they could get the work back to the client sooner instead of having to wait for me to sign-in and work in the evening.  I typed at least 2 hours at my Evening job and then I would check to see if there was work at my Day job.  If there was, I would work 2 hours or so (or until work ran out again) at my Day job, and then switch back to my Evening job.  At first, I kept checking Emails to see if my Day job was looking for me.  After two weeks, I realized no one cared what I was doing, as long as I was there at 6 a.m. and produced the minimum number of lines each day.   

So, for the next few weeks until work picked up again at my Day job, I signed into my Day job at 6 a.m. and signed out at 2 p.m. as usual, but I would sign into my Evening job at 8 a.m. and out at 5 p.m.  So, by going back and forth between the two jobs, I was able to meet the minimum line requirements for both companies in 10-11 hours, instead of 14 to 16, and could actually get some sleep in between.   

Not sure if something like that would work for you temporarily, but after a few months, I was definitely ready to go back to juggling only one job.   

Good luck to you.   


Great idea! Thanks for posting. : ) - nm

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you're welcome - thanks to everyone for answering!! - me

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I knew I would hit a nerve if I asked about lines as opposed to hours - this has been an ongoing issue for MTs ever since we left the hospitals and started working at home.

But I didn't expect such a huge response to the issue. I'm glad I asked and I'm reading everyone's posts with real interest!! Thanks everybody!!

yes, I have been doing something similar to that myself - me

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And I actually don't mind it too much. However, my new team lead seems to freak out if we don't jump on a stat within 30 seconds of it's being dictated (lol) so I have to watch my Transcend account and email VERY carefully.

It would just be a lot easier to work 4 hours for Trans and get my friggin' lines in and then work the other 4 hours for my PT job. You know, like a regular human being?? LOL!!!

My personal experience - RLee

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From what I have experienced is - I was part of a merge in 2009 as a FT employee. We were told that you had to work at least 7 hours a day to maintain FT status and were expected to work your SCHEDULE. If you ran out of work to contact your TL or ROM. If you did not meet the requirements of FT you would be demoted to PT status and then as your productivity picked up again a review would be done and you would go back to FT. I do believe that if you are meeting your productivity requirementse in such a short period of time and not working your full schedule they may question it. I have never been told to stay off the system, but what they did do was limit what work was available in my pooling on my end to prevent me from getting my line count and FT requirements. That said, I have not maintained my FT requirementse for months now and still have not bren reduced to PT status. Maybe they just have not figured that out yet. With Transcend everyone's situation is different, depends on if you crossed anyone from what I have found. Before my merge I was very productive, on the computer from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. and got anywhere from 1400 to 1600 lines a day. At this point I am lucky to make $100 a week, if that. Now I am glued to this computer and agree with one of the responses on this thread that they do not have a life. I have even gotten a call from my TL in the past wondering where I had been for 2 days, when in which I was logged into the system. She could not see that I was because on her end you have to have jobs downloaded to show up as signed in. Well how can I show up as sgned in when there are no jobs for me to download. She then said there were jobs now in my pooling and to get on board, which had only been put into the system 5 minutes prior to that. As I started typing the jobs started disappearing as another MT was typing them. I got 6 reports. With the new Timesaver program they can really scrutinize your hours and lines, so be very careful. I guess what I am trying to say is that it depends on who you are and what the ramifications are. My situation is pathetic, but it makes it a little easier when reading the posts to know that I am not the only one in this miserable NIGHTMARE.

From what I heard in training, not scrutinzing the time frame worked - Emphasis was no more than 8 hours entered.

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In my training session for Timesaver and in further emails from TLs it was very clear that they are NOT worried about what time you say you started/ended your shift. Sure, make it as close as possible. If you start at 8 a.m., why put 10 p.m. They also all made it very clear to ENTER more than 8 hours unless it was preapproved. You may have worked more than 8 hours but you could not ENTER any more than 8. I'm not sure everyone is getting the flexibility and the fluidity of this fact, that WE enter our time frame and hours worked. There is no clock in and clock out. I believe none of them have time to waste to check this out in other ways unless we consistently don't make the 150 lph minimum related to our hours worked - unless we give them a reason to get more in depth.

I don't have the feeling Big Brother is watching at all. I think it is all up to us to utilize TimeSaver in a way that works best.

Hours vs lines - RLee

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I agree they are not worried about time entered in Timesaver, as long as everything correlates. But if your RECORD shows you can type more lines per hours and/or less lines per hour (what you have been documented to do in the past), eventually there is a discrepancy and they will question it. The person who will no doubt question it is the person in charge of proficiency. I have been questioned in the past due to the fact that my lines one quarter was not reflecting the same as the quarter prior. The reason behind that was I was changed to a new account for me with VR and difficult dictators. They do have a PROFICIENCY person looking at all this.

Another note - RLee

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So if there is no work available to me, which is my case, constantly chasing work, etc, and I am available for 18 hours a day they expect me to enter only actual hours typed - I get that, but what they do not want you to document (and have made that unavailable) is how long you are actually committed to them looking for work. On the other program when you documented hours, you also had a box to enter any notes as explain why you did not get your full 7 or 8 hours for any given day, as well as a tab to report an absence with a dropdown list to choose from due to no work, illness, etc. With Timesaver the MT has no way of covering her own butt as to explain why she/he is not meeting any requirments.
Actually, there is a place to leave notes in Timesaver, we were instructed in training. - We can still cover ourselves. See message
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I will have to go in and try to find it, but we were shown in TimeSaver training the other day where we can leave notes, and our trainer even said for specific things like why you were short in lines, hours, etc. It is one of those little icons, I believe, next to the plus sign, the little editing pen, etc. I will find it and post later.

Also, even if there wasn't something, I plan to document for myself on a notebook and send that exact information to my TL(s) anytime there is an issue with my not getting lines or hours due to lack or work, etc.

my experience - MT921

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I also came to the company as part of a merger in 2009. I have seen problems with workload as well. There is an employee advocate that can help you get more work. She has helped out a lot of MTs.

employee advocate - RLee

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How do you go about getting a hold of that person. I have sent 2 emails to an officer of the company and got no acknowledgment.
If she hasn't contacted you yet, let me know via e-mail - and I will put you in touch with her
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I've talked to her myself, and I do know for a fact that she monitors this board regularly and is very proactive about trying to help people work these things out. (No, I am not her. I'm just somebody who hates to see co-workers not getting enough work.)
No rthanks - RLee
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Read the above posts pertaining to advocates. If if is the person who trained me on Timesaver, I know who she is. I recognize her name from being a QA person or I should say that is the dealings I have had with her.

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Confusion About New Policy
Aug 24, 2013

As I read the new policy what has been eliminated is the option if you run out of work during your shift, to just call it quits for the day and take leave without pay.  Instead, you have to keep checking back during your shift.  However, if you still are short hours you have the option then to take leave without pay.  I know this is not what the TSM's are saying, but the option to take PTO or leave without pay still remains in the official policy on line, at least as of yeste ...

TTS Bereavement Policy?
Jul 25, 2014

I can't find anything about this in the documents on the TTS website.  Does anyone know where I can find info?  I emailed the "team" 5 days ago and no response. Does this mean they don't HAVE a bereavement policy? I need to know how many days I get and which family members' deaths qualify as deserving of bereavement days. ...

KS Hiring Policy
Oct 31, 2014

Heads up--in addition to the typing test, they require you run their 3rd party 'computer speed test' and if it doesn't past muster (according to the 3rd party speed test), despite computer being brand new and on high-speed broad-band, they turn you down for the job. A first for me being asked to run this test on my computer before hiring. Anyone else have this experience?  ...

Jul 26, 2010


Memo From CCM Re: New Downtime And NJA Policy?
Jan 05, 2011

Has anyone gotten this e-mail from CCM?  Have you been able to open it?  I got gibberish and was told to go instead to MQ Central, but that has not been updated in forever...wondering what new policy entails. ...

NJA Policy On MQCentral - Need Help Finding Sm
May 31, 2011

Can someone point me to the actual policy on MQCentral regarding NJA? I can't find it and I would like to review it.  I thought it would be under Policy and Process, but I haven't seen anything. Thanks!     ...

Google's New Privacy Policy
Mar 01, 2012

Now that Google has implemented its new privacy policy, do you still use it to research medical terms? ...

Looking For Policy On Requesting Time Off.
May 13, 2012

I am looking for the policy that will tell me how soon I can start requesting time off.  It seems like it is 60 days and 90 days for holidays???  Thanks. ...

NJA Policy - Waiting For 15 Minutes ...
Sep 19, 2012

I have a question about the NJA policy.  On the 15 minutes downtime you get for waiting for jobs, is this just once a day or as many times as you do it in a day.  For instance, if you wait for 15 minutes and no work and then come back in an hour and work a while and then no jobs do you get the 15 minutes again and so on.  Thanks. ...

Out Of Work Policy Question
Jul 05, 2013

Has anyone ever contacted HR definitively about the NJA policy?  Our new CCM is telling us we have to stay punched in for the "15 minute" wait, then punch out and fill out a Remedy ticket.  If we get a job within that 15 minute period, the wait begins again.  That would mean potentially we have to sit at our desk all day, only getting a job every 14 minutes!  When I asked how that would affect my benefit policy, she said "the lines you actually transcribe will offset some of ...

With This Stupid New NJA Policy, What On Earth Are
Aug 23, 2013

we supposed to do at holidays when there is No Work and No Work to make up later that day or even that week?!?! ...