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MT employment opportunities after being terminated for failing audit - BH

Posted: Feb 15, 2014

I was looking at MT ads and a lot of them only need 98% accuracy, but M-Modal had to have at least 99.6%, going to 99.7% soon. I wonder about different MT companies' thoughts on this - or whether I should even think about looking for future medical transcription work.

Do it! Why not? - anon

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The biggest thing I learned looking for another MT position is that the recruiters and hiring crews of other companies *ALL* know about MModal - they've heard IT ALL. They think the requirements of MModal are as insane as we do and most of them would loveloveLOVE to get their hands on MTs with 99%+ quality. 99% and up is considered top notch at every other company except MModal.

Try someone else - newbutold

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TTS requirement is 98% accuracy and you are not dinged for the "no comma" or not putting "a" I work for both Nuance and TTS and by far TTS is the better. Nuance has a higher percentage of accuracy required and with their QA it is next to impossible to make. I make no major errors and only get dinged for minor punctuation OR getting dinged for leaving more than the allotted 2 blanks which is absurd. My latest accuracy with TTS was right at 100%. I don't think I have ever gotten that with Nuance and TTS has many more ELS doctors dictating.

Try Someone Else - BH

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I was looking at Nuance and you are right about the QA. TTS, I did look at them but they require 250 LPH, and that is much more than MModa requires. In SR, with a lot of shortcuts and keystroke suggestions by coach, I was able to make more than 150 minimum, but I doubt I could make 250 consistently, especially with different accounts and ESL dictators. But I just talked to MModal about returning my equipment. They have sent the labels and I should get them tomorrow and they told me they don't want the footpedal back, or headphones, mouse, or keyboard. Don't want me to return the footpedal? These things cost more than $30 and they sent me another one (and headphones) when I went to Fluency. I figure I really should continue with medical transcription because of this free equipment I was provided.
You could do it - newbutold
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I had my doubts too. For Nuance I am only required 186 which is a combination of VR and straight typing. I find that the account that I type for is mainly VR and I was able to get to the 250 very quickly. I definitely have my bad nights where I can't even make 200 but it seems to average out by the end of the 2 week pay period. They give you a lot of support also. I really enjoy working for them. Also I have OT practically any time I want it on this account.

Did they actually terminate you for failing an audit? - sm

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Considering how easy it is to fail (I have failed 1 audit so far myself), they aren't going to have many MTs left if that's the case.

Failing an audit - BH

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Yes. After you have 1 audit that does not pass, you are given about 2 more audits. One was 99.25% and another was 99.55% (which I think is close enough to 99.6%) but anyways all were slightly less than 99.6%.

I think I failed 1 audit and then everything was fine for a while, then they took me off an account I was on for years, and assigned me 6 new accounts all at once. At that time, I either had errors for client profile rules (because every one was different) or left a lot of blanks because of unfamiliar or ESL dictators, or no good samples. (Patient had no record of being seen before.)

Amphion is 98.8% - sm

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They have a 3 strikes and you're out policy whereas if you fail an audit, you're back on 100% proofing for a week, fail again, 100% proofing another week (maybe longer), and if you fail a third time within 6 months you're done. I've gotten one failed audit so far and I'm back on track. They are hiring if you're interested. I, myself, am trying to get out of MT so my spot will open when that happens. Good luck.

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