A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

job opportunities - petiteflower

Posted: Nov 14, 2012

Congrats and good luck to all who have gotten a job.  No wonder everyone is out of work for so long.  These companies post  as if they are desperate, but never reply to resumes and testing, (even when you pass).  Love being an MT, just tired of applying and no response.  Too time consuming.  Maybe only companies really looking for MTs should be allowed to post on this site. 

I agree.....sm - Katydid

[ In Reply To ..]
I have been applying for the past week, taking tests, passing tests with very high scores and....then I wait....no response, nothing. I am frustrated. It seems like there aren't any companies that wants people with years of experience (I have over 15), who is dependable, and who WANTS to work. I love this type of work but it is becoming impossible to find a good place to call home. I would love to find one. I left my job two years ago to raise my two sons, to get them into school. Now it is like a ghost town.

don't hold your breath! - Eileen

[ In Reply To ..]
I wouldn't hold your breath when it comes to companies letting you know whether you will hear from them again. They don't seem to care. I guess they have too many people looking for jobs and are too busy replying to resumes/letters, etc. Give me an old-fashioned rejection letter. At least I would know then whether I am in the running for a particular job posted on here or not!

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