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Age detector failing - sm

Posted: Jan 22, 2015

It looks like my account turned on their age and sex detector for Fluency.  What a pain.  I'm on a children's hospital, so usually things are from the parents' point of view, resulting in a lot of "he" and "she" that don't match the patient.  I had to go through and ignore all of them.  What a pain.  I just got one with the age flagged as an error.  I checked it multiple times and what I had was correct, but it still picked it up as an error.  What a waste of time. 

It seems like it is only looking at the year of the DOB. - Idiots

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It doesn't even seem to be figuring in the months. If the patient's DOB is 8/1/2010 (4 years old), it thinks the patient is 5 years old because date of service is in the year 2015, regardless if it is still January.

Just came here to post the same thing. - Yay for wasting our time! NM

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P.S. For all the good it will do I sent a remedy ticket. - and had my say about the whole mess. NM

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Mine too and flags even if things are correct!! - Annie

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What I would have done. - sm

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If I had my way, I would have just had the program do the math and show the age somewhere on the screen (not intrusively) as a big number including months and days. That way instead of doing the math, I can just glance at the number and can tell it is correct myself, and not be interrupted every time I upload, incorrectly no less. Whoever programmed this did a horrible job. Did they not test this out first? Oh wait, they are, on us. Idiots.

Not actually failing - IStill rritated

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The document check on the age is actually not failing it is "flagging" to make sure we double check that the age dictated is correct and if it is not correct to make the necessary correction/QA marker. It, of course, is an extra step that we have to take. Instead of being able to ignore it we have to click here or Ctrl + Alt + this + that or something. How irritating!!

No, it's failing - sm

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It says that they do not match. To check my theory of it only looking at the year, I changed the patient's age to 1 year older, and it was not caught as Fluency thought it was correct. I changed it back to the correct age, and it caught it again, saying it doesn't match birth date.

Why do you think it is not failing? The MModal - communication about the new

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feature says it will stop if there is a mismatch, not that it will stop so we can double check. I can double check as I go, don't need the extra steps it takes to upload it when it is correct already. It is a FAIL!

Age detector - Confused

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Ok so now the age detector isn't being flagged at all. When I do that stupid document check it no longer asks to correct the age at least on the last 5-7 reports I've done. What a pain in the rump!!!

Age detector - Nuance software? - Just a guess...

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I'm only guessing here that your software looks at the present year, 2015, and nothing else...so that makes it about as useful as Nuance software and India.

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