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HELP! failed audit - Juno gal

Posted: May 15, 2010

So, I failed another "audit".  I have to bounce back and forth between at least 10 accounts, therefore 10 different client profiles AND have to keep up with the ever changing QA preference of the day!  I'm so depressed.  It's really heard to understand that VR stuff and ESL dictators. 

Has anyone failed more than a few audits and continued working?  Will they fire me?  I, like everyone else, am really struggling, but I NEED this job. 

Any ideas on how to improve?  How do we play the MQ game and keep this "job"? 

failed audit - anon

[ In Reply To ..]
First of all, pay close attention to your actual audits with scores done by your QC person. Whatever corrections she made, learn them and improve. The other corrected reports you get from QA DO NOT count against your audits. If it is a good correction then learn it, however, if it is inconsistent with other QAs corrections, then look it up in BOS2 or DQS guidelines and make sure you are doing it correctly. Follow those two and the CP always and don't worry about how many times you get a "ding" for something inconsistent. ONLY go by your REAL audits done by the QC person that gives you a score. Do that and you should be fine, as all these little "dings" by QA DO NOT count against your audits. Hopefully, your QC person for your region is consistent. If not, I would save proof and go over her head. Hope this helps.

audit for pay cuts - planetspinz

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There is NO consistency in the audits at all. I've been "corrected" for not capitalizing entities (Anesthesia, Cardiology) and then "corrected" for capitalizing them, and then the QA person comes up with some crazy way to decide - which is incorrect.

I get "corrected" for not spelling out abbreviations and then after "learning" from that "coaching" in another audit "corrected" for spelling out abbreviations.

The audits should be about typos, misspellings, incorrect drugs & dosages, or not following the CP. But the real purpose of the audit is to decrease pay again. I lost count of all the times I was told that if my audit was above 98% I would get a raise and instead got a pay cut. The only raises we get is when minimum wage increases.

So here's how the audit stupidity works - first you get a warning, then another failed audit you get lowered a tier (upper tiers never were related to pay but lowered tiers means another pay cut).

Currently I work 24-hour weeks, but even though I was told I have to work weekends, maybe I'll get a cut in hours to 7 hours a week. But I'd have to be careful not to lose too much money because then I won't be qualified for unemployment as I have to have a specific quarterly salary. I wonder if I can collect unemployment with a cut in hours though- hmmm- have to check that out.

Finally after you are nitpicked to death with incorrect corrections, you get to go collect unemployment.

Just spare me the torture and let me collect already. Oh yeah, and stop insulting my intelligence and 24 years of experience as a medical transcriptionist. At 59, I am way too old to be graded on my skills.

Perfect post! - mt76

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Your post hit the nail on the head! Oldtimers remember being able to actually concentrate on producing quality work---without feeling the need to constantly second-guess auditors, QA, graders, etc.---people, often paid hourly, whose function isnt to produce but to scavenge-hunt for errors. If a client complained about an MTs work (and it's happened to most MTs at one time or another) her supervisor corrected her and, if she were a quality MT, she learned from this. If she didn't and it continued to happen, she was let go (justifiably). But there wasn't this ''subset'' of employees, paid to look for (and often exaggerate the importance of) errors. Company management/higher-ups will one day wake up to how much money they are wasting on nonsense and how they demoralize good employees.
justifiable quitting & unemployment - planetspinz
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MQ higher ups couldn't care less about the employees - in fact they don't care much about MQ, except for how working for MQ increases their street cred when they move on in a couple of years.

So here's what I learned - if I am threatened with termination, decrease in hours or pay, I might be qualified for unemployment by justifiably quitting this job. Check it out in your state as you may be qualified too if you are constantly being threatened with loss of job, money or hours.

In NY we cannot be denied unemployment by not meeting company requirements for production or quality.

Learn the real lesson from the MQ execs- use the job to move forward and not be held back - and if the first step to moving forward it quitting while you are ahead, then that's the best lesson of all.

Anyone know about justifiable quitting and getting that TAA training?

Fired - TJ

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Personally I think they have to really trail you a long time, and if you are really trying I don't see how they can legally do that. I would just keep in good contact with your QA person and your supervisor. Don't listen too much to other's comments. Everyone's circumstances are different. I failed my first audit the last time. I am due for a second audit this week I think. I am dreading it, but I am not going to let them get the better of me. I am not a terrible MT. I have been good all these years. They don't seem to want you to get too many lines if you know what I mean. That is my take on it at least. Good luck.

I"ve failed a few and am still alive to talk about it. I know - theyre trying to get me to quit. Well, - (sm)

[ In Reply To ..]
TOO BAD, they're gonna hafta fire me, instead.

Oh, yes. And likely face my lawyer in court, as well.

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