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failed audit Ridiculous - pfffffft
Posted: Mar 25, 2014
Ridiculous. Nobody can maintain 99.7% accuracy for the long-term. They're probably going to fire me anyway so to heck with it, I'm just typing away. Whatever.
Yep, just type your butt off and do the best you can - anon
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My audits are barely getting a glance from me anymore. I'm going to do the best that I can do, same as I always have because it really is true that if they want you gone bad enough there will be any number of ways they can get you.
The biggest difference on my end is, that I'm working my butt off because if they fire me you can bet I'm at least going out with the biggest pay check possible.
same here - anon
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I look and see what I got marked down on; most of it seems to be grammar. I don't sweat it unless it is a critical error; otherwise I delete the email and move on. Can't believe I used to cry about them.
At least I'm in good company - sm
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so over this..They can't possibly fire all of us. Cause by the glassdoor reviews, the Indians are fed up as well..Whatever, not gonna sweat it
even if it is a critical error what can you do about it? - we are all human
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it's not like we do it on purpose.
And apparently - mt
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VR got it wrong too and they are a computer!
Me too - I got a warning about my LPH being - whodat
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low so I now type it and send it ~ no more proofing! My lines have increased dramatically. Let's hope my quality doesn't suffer! I have always been more of a quality-minded MT rather than trying to be the highest producer, but geeeez can't seem to strike a happy medium any more so just type and send and hope for the best:)
I also got a warning about LPH, now just type and send. I plan on making (sm) - stressed to max
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as much as I can before I get canned, which can't come soon enough!
failed audit - pffffft - me too
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I'm a miserable failure at 99.6%, was told to strive for company standards of 100%. I wonder if anyone's cracking the whip over the ones who make up this impossible-to-attain standard. It's such an insult. I'm trying not to let it get to me though.
Don't. Don't let it get to you. - anon
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Try and keep it in perspective - it's not you ... it's them. We all need to go into "self-preservation mode" and protect ourselves from allowing this absolutely ridiculous standard to DEFINE us as employees. FAR too many of us have been allowing these ridiculous audits to affect our self-perception in our abilities and we need to just stop it. We need to put our armor up against it. "We're doing our best, we'll continue to do our best, but your failing me in my audit is no longer going to make me doubt myself." Notice I didn't say I FAILED - I said I was failed.
In EVERY OTHER CAREER, 99.6% proficiency is considered exemplary. If you were a teacher with 99.6% proficiency in teaching kids how to read, you'd be considered teacher of the year material. If you were a doctor with 99.6% cure rate of diseases, it would be unheard of.
If we were MModal, paying 99.6% of our bills, we would gasp in amazement and be considered a huge financial success.
KEEP IT IN PERSPECTIVE. 99.6% is an excellent, excellent score. Just because it's not good enough for this ridiculous requirement doesn't mean we're failures. Quite the opposite. It means that's just the way that MModal chooses to see us.
Yes, but if you worked at Nike... - chillywinter
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Remember that silly e-mail we received? If you had worked at Nike and only achieved 99.7% you would have sent out over 1,000 pairs of mismatched shoes! Wish I would have kept that e-mail now...
Culling the Group - Diane King
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If they are 'gunning for you', no error is too small, and any that contribute to the lower than 99.7% level will place you in QUALITY IMPROVEMENT program, which is the euphemism which means 8 total audits of less than consistent scores AND THEY HAVE CAUSE TO TERMINATE... likely also cause so they don't have to pay unemp benefits!
Sorry this is repeated. I got thrown out and have been trying to find my way back!
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