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Failed my second audit this month.... - DSP
Posted: Feb 24, 2015
Oh I wonder how long before I'm fired....had 99.35 for last month's score....
They expect us to be perfect. - mom2huskies
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I think they are making it almost impossible to pass audits. I know how you feel, a couple of months ago I got a warning because I had a 99.5. You can only do so much. It does not help that ASR is deteriorating.
not to mention the unfamiliar accounts... - DSP
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All I can do is try. It just gets so frustrating and they make me feel stupid and inadequate.
perfect mmodal - sunshine
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I worked for them for 5 years when they took my job through contract. Been a transcriptionist for 33 years, last 3 months had some bad days, failed audit, they fired me, but no problem my unemployment is only about 50 to 70 dollars less a week than what they were paying me.
Sunshine? - DSP
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When did this happen? What finally caused it? I started with Spheris in 2005! I have been with them through their transition from Medquest to Mmodal!!! Been in transcription since 2001. Just been a downhill slide! Not like we don't know what we are doing! This is so belittling!!!! 33 years is a long time, maybe it is a well deserved break for you!!!
I failed on this week also, - mmodal2012
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passed with a perfect score on the other, now waiting to see what happens. Do you sometimes get bored with doing this? I have not had a vacation in a long time and have been doing a lot of OT. Maybe bored is not the right word, but burn-out is.
Yesss! I actually just scheduled a vacation! - DSP
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It isn't until June but I made sure I got one in...2 weeks too! Maybe I will be on unemployment by then! LOL I really don't want to get fired but I can't worry! I too feel very burnt out!!! My other 2 audits that came in this week were 100% as well! It is crazy. We are all human and we make mistakes! I just didn't have a 99.5 last month and won't make the cut this month either!
I think you better check the instructions for - sm
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requesting time off. You can't request time off that early. MM has specific guidelines for requesting time off that need to be followed. Ask your HDSM for the guidelines so you'll be able to get the time off you ask for. Good luck!
Vacation requests - WorkingMT
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I think you need to check the guidelines. It is only holiday time that you cannot ask for time off more than 60 days away. They do not care if you ask for time off far ahead if it does not involve holidays. June is far from the holiday season.
The scheduler already approved it for me! - DSP
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Over the weekend!
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