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Has anyone failed the tier 3 test - discouraged

Posted: Oct 20, 2011

I took the test and scored a 92.91 and I needed a 96 to pass.  I feel like a failure.  The fourth report that I was given was a difficult dictator (a fast talker). 

My question is, do you know when we can retest.  Is it 90 days?

Just took test - miltfel

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I just took the test yesterday, but no results yet. From what I read you can't apply again for 90 days unless you have permission froma recruiter. Good luck to you. How long did it take to get your results?

I got mine in 4 hours - discouraged

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Did they give you any bad dictators at all? I don't how to tell my kids I failed. How embarrassing.

don't be soo discouraged - miltfel

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Try not to be so discouraged. You are not a failure. The dictators were unclear and really fast at times. I did my best and that is all we can do. On my first mini- terminology test, the results said I failed. I knew that was not right because I aced that test. The next morning I got an email and phone call saying congratulations you have moved on....... They may contact you anyways. Good luck and there will be something out there for you. :)

This is great teaching opportunity. You cant win ALL the time. - Teach this is opportunit to SM

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learn what you need to tweak. An opportunity to teach never give up, try again. Not often you get chance to teach kids failing not necessarily the end of the world.
Thank you for your support - discouraged
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I have been doing this for the last 11 years and always pass my audits. I guess some people don't do well under stress.
great teaching opportunity - sure
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Sure - great opp if you want to make rupees (2 cents India pay is even with 1 dollar US). We just can't make it here on that pay here in the US, unless you have won the lottery and have no house loans. Sad situation. They need to stop outsourcing outside of the USA until the economy gets fixed, in my opinion. Otherwise, it will get worse.

Can retest in 90 days - discouraged

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I wonder why it takes 90 days to retest. Better luck next time for me. At least next time I won't have to waste my time with the E-presentation that did not help at all, just a waste of time.

I'm getting nervous now - sm

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I am getting ready to take the test.

I did not even pass the first section the first time... - Sunflower

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The second time I passed both the first and second sections. Just take your sweet time and look up EVERYTHING!!! I think I did it over the course of 3 days. You will pass!!!

tier 3 test - nottabigdeal

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I can tell you what being a Tier 3 means. Nothing. You still get 99% VR at 4 cents a line, and the reports that are sent to you to transcribe are generally the bottom of the barrel, excruciating difficult to understand and time consuming, so bad you have to send them to QA, and then they dock your pay for that.

Tier 3 does not mean a raise. - mom2huskies

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I am Tier 3 and believe me some days it is a struggle to make the minimum 1200 line count. Generally I get the bottom of the barrel dictators, 90+% ESL, 99% ASR, no raise, and to top that off I get docked if I send a report to QA. So do not feel bad, you are not missing much.

so true - Former MT

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Yup, mom2huskies, you hit the nail on the head. The day before I gave my notice to leave for a new job, my account of 10 years had gone away (for lack of a better term.) I was sent an Email offering for me to Tier (Tear) up. It stated very clearly that a raise in tier was no guarantee of a raise in pay. WTF!!! Glad I was in the process of preparing for my exit the next day!!!

Agree. It used to mean op reports, which ASR seems to do well. Now it's - consults, which ASR stinks at.

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Don't lose faith in yourself but beware - Former MQer

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MQ may say they want to help their employees advance, but think about it. Tier 3 does not result in more pay and there is an entire 90-day wait after failing testing. Isn' t it only 30 for a driver's license? After working my butt off to maintain a 100% QA score, I was failed on the very QA review that would have allowed me to test for tier 3. And I highly suspect some of my text was changed by the QA analyst who performed the review because I had disputed her judgment on something earlier. This is not meant to discourage, but I sense some of you may be getting set up for the same frustration and heartbreak I endured. Good luck to you.

Reality Check - best to start out as Tier 3 - VeteranMT

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After many years in this biz -- I have found that the ONLY way to establish a position of "advantage" is to test so well FROM DAY ONE -- that your first test taken when you apply for the job puts you at the Tier 3 position. That means of course that you must have the required years of experience to qualify for Tier 3. But it definitely can be done and it is imperative that you start off at Tier 3 (at least that is my experience after 20+ years in this biz). Unfortuantely, if not, you will basically set yourself up for the ongoing games involved with trying to acquire the "glorified" Tier 3 status.

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