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failed monthly audit-yippee - chellbell

Posted: May 19, 2010

what a shock-not !!!

wanna join us for martini's - Im sorry

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I did too! I think we all are failing.

Make mine a pomegranite martini and I'm there, I'll need snacks too-nm - chellbell

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chellbell . . . . - count me in . . .

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the snacks are coming too, we will be having s'mores along with the martinis. go ahead and jump on the bandwagon!! enjoy!!!

I failed the audit too - Silly Rabbit

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I love the sense of humor on this board and it has helped me hold my head up today. This old broad is very proud to be in this profession with such intelligent, feisty, strong minded, strong willed people.

Now, make me laugh until I start coughing uncontrollably, again!

I want to help y ou....... - MQer for 10+ yrs

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Hey...I never post here, but came here for some info I'm looking for and stumbled across this post. First of all, I'm sorry to hear you all did not pass the audit. Don't get upset - there's always next month! :)

You CAN pass this audit. I've consistently made 100% on my audits over the last 2 years (surprisingly) and just this past month I got my lowest score ever of 98.5%.

If you do ASR the key, of course, is to listen word for word, just like the editors are doing and to slow things down just a bit. I'm sure you are all doing that. I, too, have multiple accounts, so I keep a few sticky notes with the hospital and these 3 things I need to know how they want done: PE, ROS, ALLERGIES, and then if blanks are allowed.

That's about it. I've been doing this consistently for a long time and it seems to be working well for me.

I hate to hear that my fellow MTs are not passing their audits when I think that YOU CAN pass...I know morale is pretty low here right now, but with the economy and a LOT of my friends/family out of jobs with no luck of finding one, I count my lucky stars (no pun intended) that I even HAVE job in this economy. We should all do the same.

Anyways, good luck to you for next month! You can do this......

Never had an audit. - babypaws

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I have worked for MQ since they bought out TL years and years ago and, to my knowledge, have never ever been audited. Or at least I have never been notified of one. I do not even know what my scores are.

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