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Evidentally, 99.75 plus 99.75 averages out to 99.50 (MM Math = failed audit.) NM - sick of it
Posted: Mar 30, 2014NM
WRONG. It is 99.75. BOSSHOLE is a new English word that was on - Cathy
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20/20 tonight. This is a good example. Cannot wait for Wikipedia's definition. Presently one of the definitions is an employer who degrades an employee, lol.
BOSSHOLE fits every management person - who ever lived and breathed to a T.
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Did they fail you with that average score? I would argue - - sm
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To find the average, you simply add them all together then divide by how many separate terms you added together - in your case two scores. So 99.75 plus 99.75 divided by two is obviously still 99.75. I would argue about that math, I really would. There would HAVE to be a third, lower score to change that number.
Good luck. :/
MM math, i.e., - definitionista
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their version of arithmetic. The same way that "random" per MM, might mean "selectively revised so an audit is failed so we can give you your walking papers." Jes' saying.
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