A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Failed Medquist test in September... - BH

Posted: Dec 15, 2009

After failing the Medquist test in September 2009, they just e-mailed me today saying
Medquist - Eligible to Retest.   Just a few hours later, I got another e-mail saying "Employment Update - Medquist.  You are eligible to retest."

I thought a lot of people are losing their jobs at Medquist.  Why the desperate urge to hire, especially people who failed their employment test?



sm - IDK

[ In Reply To ..]
People are not losing their jobs, they are quitting because of low pay.

retest - soopasta

[ In Reply To ..]
That simply sounds like an offer to you to re-test if you are still interested, not an offer to hire you.

I didn't get the "desperate urge" feel from what you posted. I believe that MQ, like any other company keep your tests on file and within a certain amount of time, e-mails you in case you are still interested.

Try it again, if you'd like. I disagree with the first reply, I think MQ pay is competative. I do well.

Well, good luck if you decide to re-test!

Failed Medquist test... - BH

[ In Reply To ..]
I failed other tests with other companies and no company ever got back with me and asked me to test again twice in one day and called me later that day. I don't know how much they pay per line. Do they pay more than 8 cpl? What do they pay for speech recognition?

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