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Has anyone ever failed a voice file test...sm - Defeated

Posted: May 11, 2011

By making silly mistakes that you can't even believe you made!? Oh, I did. Today. I think I would kick myself in the brain if I could. I feel so defeated.

voice file test - what is that? - Dummy

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I guess I was vague there...I had a test of the...sm - Defeated

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Dictation that I would be transcribing if I were to get the job. I got all the terminology correct but I made stupid simple errors that I could not believe I made. I'm embarrassed!

Well, once on touching in home between trips I - found a much-delayed e-mail response

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to my MT job application. We had a plane to run for, but I thought I'd better not wait to get home again before answering, so I did. No response when I came home, so I pulled up my e-mail and found it had 3! really stupid errors. I also couldn't believe I could have done that, even if I was checking the time anxiously as I typed.

BTW, after sitting on it for a day, I decided I had nothing to lose, so I e-mailed again explaining, and also that I would understand completely if I didn't hear from them again. Mercifully the recruiter had a good sense of humor, and I work for them now.

So, if it turns out you also have nothing to lose...maybe you're not actually defeated yet? :)

I always ace the dictation part, but I proof it at least - me

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3 times before I send it in. Don't beat yourself up. Learn from your mistakes and do better the next time.

The company I currently work for had a third party do the testing (not MTTest). The transcription part was easy, but the other testing was very difficult and it was timed. One section I didn't even get to. Fortunately for me the testing company took pity on me and gave me the opportunity to redo that one section of the test. That section was very easy, I scored 100%.

Got off track a bit, but anyway I feel like everything works out. Maybe this company wouldn't have been a good fit and something better will come along, and you'll not make the same mistakes. You're human. Take a deep breath and move on. Don't let this mistake hinder you from going forward in any aspect of your life.

i failed too - jtrans

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I can relate. About 8 years ago I was at home after having my first baby and decided to try for an at-home job after doing transcription at a hospital for 3+ years. I did my test without a foot pedal (my biggest mistake) and didn't pass. Like you I felt really silly and defeated. In time I was glad I didn't pass as months later I found a super flexible job that allowed me to work whenever I could (morning, afternoon, middle of the night - whenever), which made it really convenient with a baby. This probably happened because it was not the job for you. Good luck!

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