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Transcend Team Leads??? - just wondering

Posted: Jul 14, 2010

Is anyone having issues with Transcend Team leads?

Do you have something constructive to say, or are - you just stirring the pot?

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Oh my. She asked a simple straightforward question. - Why so snippy?

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Could you be the team lead generating the issues in question?

[Snort!!!] That would sure be MY assumption.. - that shes one of the leads. No/Msg

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it is ironic that your post is not constructive and is, in fact, - stirring the pot. n/m

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Transcend must not have enough work for their management - They are always on here...

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trying to do damage control. My, my, if you had nothing to fear there would be no reason to patrol the boards always on the defense!

In fact - just wondering

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In fact, I am a team lead. I have only been on this forum once before. I just wanted to know if there is anyone having problems with their particular team lead. If so, have they tried to address these issues with her/him personally or with their ROM.

Transcend's spies - Ex-Transcend MT

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I posted a message sometime ago about the MT advocate for Transcend, who comes on here and snoops around looking for those who are dissatisfied with the company. She then contacts the MTs and wants to know why they are unhappy, making you think she is for you and wants to help you...don't fall into that trap, because I did, and it made all kinds of trouble for me. She eventually sided with management against me and told them everything that I had told her in confidence. All she wants is to hook you in and get you in trouble by telling the ROMs,and TLs just who is saying what about Transcend, and she does. This actually happened to me, and I was so very,very disappointed. I was told by an ROM that they do monitor this site to stop any gathering of MTs from Transcend and they also told me that they want to shut down any site that says anything bad about Transcend. Just be careful!

Warning! Admits to be a TL! Don't e-mail if you - want to remain anonymous!

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LOL Warning? Grow up already. What are - you, like 15?

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'''LOL warning''--what's so LOL-worthy? - nic

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When a company's TL takes the time to post snippy messages in response to a simple question, then, Yes, a ''Warning'' not to respond to such an obviously hostile person seems very appropriate. So obviously YOU need to grow up. (If your post is any indication of your people-skills, that speaks volumes about a company who would make such a choice for a TL!)

No, shes stating a legitimate concern that I have no - doubt has happened a lot here already. nm

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Just clarify - just wondering

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I simply wanted to give advice to those who may have problems with their respective TL and guide them in the right direction. The TLs I work closely with are all available 24/7. We respond quickly to emails usually within 15 minutes and sometimes within seconds. We are here to mentor. We are not here to bash anyone or make them feel they are not part of our family.

 I believe communication is the key. If someone is having problems with their TL maybe a phone call with this TL would be good. Let them know how you feel. Ask them what they expect from you as the MLS and tell them what you expect from them as a TL. It may also be wise to ask the ROM to be on the call as well so she/he knows what you are feeling too.

I honestly believe Transcend is doing the best they can to uplift the spirits of all MLS in the company, specifically, with the contest they have running now, The Biggest Producer. They sent tips and tricks everyday to help improve your work output. I think this is a step in the right direction for Transcend. It did seem to be going down hill for a bit, but things really do seem to be looking up.

Again, the TLs are here to mentor and no bash. We want you all to produce as much as you can because you deserve it.   That's how I feel anyway.....Laughing

Question?? - just wondering

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I don't believe I have been snippy with any of my responses. As stated previously I have only been on this forum one other time. So I am not sure if I was the one referred to as being snippy or someone else. I feel in all of my responses I have just been trying to help out in a nice way.

Better put on your asbestos underwear - Not a TL and not a suit

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Thank you for posting. But be warned... anybody who posts anything the least bit positive about Transcend on this board gets flamed big time.

I have a couple of very good TLs and a superb ROM. I do realize that not everyone is so fortunate, and I have suggested many times that those who are unhappy should try to work it out somehow (as you have outlined) and if they don't get anywhere, to get in touch with the employee advocate. And then the employee advocate gets flamed, and rumors abound that she just stalks this board looking for people stupid enough to ask her for help, so she can get them fired.

Just a friendly word of warning, from one who's seen it all, and thanks again for your post.

You are absolutely so full of it. - (sm)

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As long as TRCR employs the same Hitler ROMs and most of the minion TLs, they do not care one bit about their MTs nor the relationship with them.

It is a communistic company. Everyone must live, breathe, eat and you-know-what-else just as the company dictates. No one can have an opinion other than what the ROM and TL hands out through the company.

If TRCR wants to care about their MTs, they need to get rid of the most infamous Hitler ROM there and most of her minion TLs.

I don't believe for a second you are here to help. You are here fishing for people who might contact you via e-mail and catch them saying something bad against The Company or it's Third Reich.

Tell you what, though. I'll be glad to forward your posts to the CEO and other Board Members and ask if the company approves of its management coming here to fish things out for them.

Sorry you feel this way - just wondering
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I am sorry you feel this way. I sincerely came on here to help anyone that may have problems with the TLs. I never expected anyone to email me. I simply wanted to provide some ways that could help them in their situation (comunication with their respective TL/ROM) I am not sure which ROM you are referring to nor do I care to know. My ROM is a gentleman so I know we are not under the same ROM.

I will continue working with my teams to build their productivity skills. I will continue to provide positive feedback to my teams and enjoy the team I have.

Thanks to those of you that understood what I was trying to here and sorry to those of you that thought I was here to spy.

I hope you all have a great dayLaughing

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.”

 Willie Nelson quote

I think you are a nice, sincere person.sm - anon
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and I have a great TL much like you. Many of the people on this board are just angry, bitter people. I too don't come here often, just occasionally to see what is being said about Transcend. I think most of the people you are trying to reach are not on this board.
I tried your way, it never, ever worked - Ex-Transcend MT
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I was let go from Transcend on 06/02/10, and the way they did this was beyond deceitful. First, they did not give me a reason why they were letting me go, and said everything would be fine, even your MT advocate told me that! They I worked the holiday weekend as hard as I could in order to prove I could do whatever they asked of me, and I had done that all along, always being the first one to volunteer for extra work, different shifts, make up time, et cetera, and at one time I was a "team player." At other companies I had a good record, had never been fired, have over 30 years experience, and had good scores of 98% and above. I made the mistake of standing up for something I knew was wrong, and keeping documentation to prove I was right. That did not go over well, and when I had asked for additional accounts (CB did not believe that I didn't have enough work, and just as much told me I was lying about not having enough work), so I was transferred to an account when MDI merged with Transcend, and was told again I should have more than enough work. That was not true, and my work suddenly and mysteriously dried up. I started to get practically no work on my shift at night and my work began disappearing. They wanted me gone and were make sure I was so uncomfortable I would have no choice but to quit. They they over-hired MTs for this account and the ones that were so dedicated were left out of work. I complained again, and we all know what happened after that. I am not saying that every TL is bad, but there are 3 certain people in particular who join together to make life miserable for MTs on this account. My TL was a nightmare. She did not listen to a thing you told her, would talk above you, argue with you, not be available to talk with. I was even left without work for 3 days because 1 QA person only worked to clear MTs on this account 3 days a week. It just so happened that my TL did not get her to clear me for an account, so I was left without work because I was not cleared for almost 4 days, and it was deliberate. I never, ever want to return to Transcend, and I cannot wish that company anything good. I am now happy in another job, despite their intent to destroy me, and even told me that I would not get a good recommendation from them, and I told them I wouldn't want one, and I did not need it from them. So, if you say you are a good TL, well I am a little bit skeptical, because they do come on here all the time and, as I said before, they take names, and they truly do get them.

This is grabage. Transcend is still trying to get rid of everyone that - ???

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has been there more than a year and the nasty TL and ROMs are just reinforcing this opinion. The employER-advocate is worthless as far as helping the MLS. She is out for her salary and management only.

The biggest insult is the recruiting TLs
that have no experience when they tell their employees that have not gotten an 98% score from an audit (I had 97+) or do not have the required scores of 4 in those goofy reports they send out about editing. So now they are telling the rest of us MLS that we are worthless and they have to go to another company to find anyone decent.

As far as helpful TLs - what communication do we have other than a stupid list once or twice a day of how many jobs there are, or the occasional note telling you you have been audited and flunked because you put in the and it should have been a. I am sure that killed the patient immediately when the report was printed. Transcend has continued to go downhill and it is not going to get better until the current boxcar of ROMs, most of the TLs, and a few other uppity people in high places get booted off their thrones. I am waiting for the next benefit cut, the next rate cut, or whatever else they have up their sleeves for us.

The hints they have sent out for being helpful are worthless. Most of us figured those out long ago.
I couldn't agree with you more. - sm
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While I've been fortunate in having a TL that more or less leaves me alone to do my job, other than the lists of jobs to be done, I really don't see her as a motivator. We'll get emails first thing in the morning telling us the work is low, give 200 to 300 lines to our secondaries, but then an hour later we get another email saying, "We have 200 minutes of dictation. Where is everyone????" Or something to the effect that morning coverage is sparse, we need to do better in the morning, making it sound dire, but then when you log on everyone else has responded to the dire, doom-and-gloom email and the work is caught up before you know it. UNLESS....she is in production. That's one thing that I have noticed. When she is in production and has to meet her quota, we don't get emails that the work load is high. She doesn't send out the call for troops when she needs to make her quota.

Precisely why I dont do private emails here. For all we - know, we could be emailing our own bosses.

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