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OK Im gonna take one for the team here - what is Verns email?

Posted: Mar 13, 2012

I looked up Vern Davenport in our illustrious email system and it came back as Roger? I forget now,,definitely not Vern..Its time for an email,,,if I lose my job so what, I wont be near as frustrated as I am,,less stress has to be better..

google search reveals - ...

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An industry leader, spokesman and lobbyist, Roger L. (Vern) Davenport has three decades of senior executive experience in building and transforming ...

thank you - overdone at this point!!!

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If you all would do me a favor please - if you see samples that are wrong

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Please just stick them under this link with the doctor name and hospital name..
youll get banned if you do that - no names or hospitals allowed
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Cant help you
Really didnt know that... - thank you
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what about say...the samples provided by QA for (hospital name) are incorrect in many instances?
what? - you maka no sensa
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I am not following you at all.
banned for hospital and doc names - I find that hard to be a HIPPA violation
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I assume that is what they mean to get banned for..no idea
Board rules are that you cannot put hospital names here - read rules
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probably middle name is Laverne ... :) - now it makes sense .. no message

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look at mmodal page-direct link - skeptical

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The web site where we check our email- go to the Mmodal home tab and on the right side at the bottom there is a link to "Ask Vern." I myself have been tempted to send him a email or two but I know that he probably has an administrative assistant who deletes these emails before he even sees them. Not discouraging you but just know he will probably never see your email and the ad min will forward your email to your boss. That is what they do in my husband's company. His company too says they want to keep an open dialogue but they run it like a Nazi camp.

thanks for the heads up...Well then fake email address it is - for now..

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Cant hurt to try..At least I can say I did that much..this crap has to stop..There is always the idea of contacting the news station in the area also??

Oh and I wont waste my time on a big long email - till I know I got Verns ear

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"ask Vern" - mouse

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I had no fear of letting my thoughts be known to Vern, but have any of you actually clicked on the "ask vern" link? When I do, it tells me I don't have the email set up properly, or some such crap. I really think the "ask Vern" link is only for looks and serves no meaningful purpose.


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I wrote him a couple times, complaining about things like ASR, outsourcing, and pay cuts, but was told that I should not use rude language, etc., and he kind of ignored the real points, told me to contact my CCM, etc.

I don't even work for MModal.. - wheres_my_job

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and I'd like to send him a few emails, and maybe links to a few Occupy MModal videos, based on what I read about MModal here.

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