Yep, some are granted access to any account they want, any - facility, even any specific WT or MD.
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It is a carryover from their days as team leads with nothing much to do (hence their elimination) and were permitted to pick and choose when they were required to do production instead of sitting idly. I watch jobs already in my queue disappear right before my eyes, and they are NOT choosing the impossible ones, I can guarantee you. Supervisors permit this, and HR turns a blind eye because they do not want any more resignations of "the good ones." They would much prefer we complaining types disappear. Another reason for those blind eyes.
Yea, so much for turn around time since I saw - a report
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that didn't need to be done until 5:00 p.m.-ish the next day get done before the job that needed to be done within the next hour and a half. Oh I guess that was because that next report was a horrible ESL and a straight type job as well. Those always get passed by the cherry pickers.
I don't know how it's being done either but it someone is able to pick and chose their reports and to heck with turn-around time. See it all the time.
Don't assume the disappearing jobs... - anon
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are because of former TLs cherrpyicking. Firstly,there was never a time when TLs had "nothing much to do." There were a lot of behind-the-scenes duties that regular typists are not aware of that kept them quite busy. Not fair to speak about a position and associated duties you know nothing about. It's also misleading to assume the former TLs are the reason reports are leaving your pool. There is work being downloaded constantly and not all pools are alike for every typist. You need to also consider there are offshore managers assigning work to their workers all day long and that also plays a part in the disappearing work. Note not all former TLs have the access you speak of. I would dare to say very few permanently keep that kind of access.
With the new pay my queue has really changed - Hapless
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I have 2 ESL who are nervous as hell and cannot do a coherent report. One of them dictated 248 lines of nonsense for a discharge summary! It was so long that the VPN disconnected. Because they usually dictate in blocs, I get 4 or 5 of them at a time, so I'm screwed. This pay I will lose over $200 from one of them from a CPSE error from dictation done with his screaming kids in the foreground. I hate to admit it, but I have cried myself to sleep a few times.
reports - me
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We did not siphon reports, there's no time. The ONLY time we assigned any reports is if they were going out of TAT and we didn't study them to see who did them and how great the dictator is. We had dozens of accounts to monitor, reports to do, watch emails, do go-between with the facility and trust me, unless somebody isn't doing their job there's no room for this.
NOBODY IS AVAILABLE TO ANSWER ANY QUESTION YOU MAY HAVE. All the sudden no matter who is "on" always has a busy notice up on their status. How frustrating is this when you work on an account where seems like every other crappy speaker wants things done their way, which contradicts everything else and ultimately makes no sense. But do you think that anybody would be available to answer a question H NO!!! All their "changes" to make things better are only making things wors ...
Ok Team Leads:
We all know that you are busy and we all know that you answer countless e-mails a day, but guess what?? That is the job that you chose and you knew that you would have to take this on. I am not just a robot who deserves short, snotty comments when asking a question pertaining to my job. You may e-mail but the tone and shortness can be heard when reading the e-mail. We are human beings that deserve a descent answer. I'm not saying you have ...
Who has the the insane job of deciding on changes in the account specifics? Not the important ones. I am talking about the stupid little sneaky ones that are just put in place to trap us into not making our bonus. Like "whenever Dr. Hindibubbula clears his throat, it is because he doesn't know what the word is so your have to look it up." (This is just an example, but I am sure you get the picture.) Here is a specific for you----get a real job instead of a job ...
Don't you just love it when you need something from a so-called Team Lead that shows available, but isn't answering their phone or IM? What milkers they are!! Get paid for running around doing their own thing!! ...
Is anyone else having trouble getting a response when there is no work? All of the people I am supposed to contact in an OOW situation seem to have mysteriously disappeared? No answers to my emails, none of them on Spark. ...
I have the same old complaint----my team lead and her sidekide "SUPER QC" not answering their emails. Only this time, I actually got a response (2 days later, but at least I got one this time). I was intrigued and surprised....until I read the email. It seems she did not even read it. I was asking her an account specifics question because one QC corrected me for doing something one way, so I did it her way and got corrected by another QC.....same pay period, no bonus.&nbs ...
No one "leads" anymore, they just direct traffic. I can remember when the "leaders" used to help their employees so they could get a better line count, get through the hard dictators, or just do whatever was in their power to be encouraging. Now it seems they just use their positions to grab the good jobs that have good dictators or normal dictations like the ops, collect their pay and act like you are a total burden if you need help. I can assure you it is not encouragin ...
tack into their signature blocks but never mean a word of it? What happened to the old team leads who actually cared about their teams and had them working as a team, not pitting one against another? How long has it been since you have actually had a call from your team lead or manager just asking how you are doing? These witches are just in it for the money but they do not care about the accounts nor those of us they consider low lifes that get the work done for th ...
Looks like it's going to be another one of those days ... there should be plenty of work after the maintenance last night but nope, single jobs available in most of the western facilities.
Pathetic. ...
Did you post here to stir up trouble? Are you bored? You certainly knew this criticism would stir up nasty posts. Seems to me you are displaying the very attitude that MTs complain about with QA. Quite a power trip you are on there. This also caused very low morale and worth ethics. MTs would rather send an error to the client than a blank to QA. How sad. Yes, there are slacker MTs. We all know that, just as there are people in QA positions w ...
manipulate MTs' work queues any way that suits them, just because they can? They know just which jobs are crap & which are at least doable or that 1 in 10 pretty good dictator, and no sooner does an MT download a job that's at least understandable/doable, these low-lives snatch up that job for themselves or 1 of their friends as soon as the MT gets it in his/her queue? Too many of these fair-haired leads are coddled by management and virtually have a free hand in manipulating work flow ...
They make so much more and when there is no work, I dont see them getting minimum wage for 15 minutes and have to make up their time.
Hey MQ.. why not start trimming the HUGE amount of fat from the multiple overpaid and underworked management staff???? ...
Hi all. I was just wondering what other MTs prefer...little short reports or very long reports? Do too many of either affect your line count (and therefore your pay)?
I definitely prefer very long reports! ...
I've been noticing available jobs that have various but similar titles, but basically the function is as described in the link. I think I'd really enjoy doing this, but I'm not sure what to study (some sort of medical office program?) . Ideally, I need to take a course online if there's something decent, but I'm enrolled at the technical college in my home town for fall, so I could go that way. In looking at what they offer, though, nothing seems like i ...
if there is NO WORK on the system?! How can an MT sign on and work with no jobs available?!
Dear leads, quit tattling to your boss that MTs are no-shows if there is no work on the system. Have any other MTs had this happen to them?
Dear bosses of leads, please do some research before scolding an MT for being a "no show." There just might be a reason nobody is clocking in. Why pay someone on the clock when they can't work? ...
Don't you just love how they try to motivate us to do a good job by emphasizing teamwork and how "important" each of us are as part of a team? Yet the pay is so low you can barely feed yourself or pay the rent? As a result, the team of employees are leaving in droves, at least as soon as they are able to. Certainly not motivated much by mere words not backed up by pay that shows real appreciation. ...
has to have ability to work on ALL the accounts on the team...I did not count them, but there are like 20....have to be able to work on all of them!! Oh, and by Thursday of this week, ability to work on all accounts is a must.
This is because some accounts were really understaffed over the weekend and were out of TAT---
Now I ask, did they or did they not have capacity optimization just a few months ago to spread MLS around better to serve the customers? Yes, they did becaus ...
So much for starting a new POD. I am back to NJA. Also I never hear from my new boss. Why do some of us have to struggle just to get our 40 hours and others get lots of OT. Also I miss my old boss. She was great. ...