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Furious. Why tattle to your superior that an MT is a no show - Clueless IMedX leads - Wake up

Posted: Mar 31, 2015

if there is NO WORK on the system?!  How can an MT sign on and work with no jobs available?!

Dear leads, quit tattling to your boss that MTs are no-shows if there is no work on the system.  Have any other MTs had this happen to them?

Dear bosses of leads, please do some research before scolding an MT for being a "no show."  There just might be a reason nobody is clocking in.  Why pay someone on the clock when they can't work?

Simple cure - for that

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is to immediately email your lead, "no jobs available" and blind copy his or her boss and if necessary the one above them.

I don't get it...SM - Old Anon

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Where I work, if there is no work on your primary, you email the lead to let them know, then you try your secondary. If there is work, you work. If not, you again email your lead and let them know and ask to be sent an email or be called when more work comes in on either account. It is such a simple procedure. If both my accounts are out (which happens very rarely), I either read, watch TV, do chores around the house and check my email every 30-45 minutes until work comes in. I also don't work past the end of my shift, when I am done. So just email your lead that there is no work and check back from time to time.

I DO ALL OF THAT - And still get nagged about no shows

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What do all of you not get?!

Stop attacking leads and forget your minimums/wage - Ticketmaster

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I really can't take this anymore, attacking leads. All you do is sit on the account and collect minimum wage, which is not fair. They should stop that. Is anyone still doing this? Please try to work harder.

Um, you cannot get minimum wage just sitting on computer - Jinx

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When will IMEDX employees realize that they DO NOT get minimum wage just punching in and waiting for work....This has been addressed before!

I am perfectly aware of that. I punch OUT when NJA - Original poster

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No minimum wage, no lines, no nothing. That is the problem.

if an employee there should be work available - if not then they should still get compensated

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If they cannot provide enough work for their "employees" then why hire them? They should not have to "clock out" when they are scheduled to work, thus they should get AT LEAST minimum wage! Come on! That is just a poor excuse not to pay someone a decent wage....
This is PRODUCTION based pay...nothing to produce, not pay. - sm
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Everyone knows that coming into it. You do NOT get paid hourly, hence, they don't "owe" you anything.

Same holds true for providing you work. If the docs don't dictate there IS no work...what, you think the MTSO can DEMAND the facility to have the docs dictate?

No one is forcing you to work for whatever MTSO you are working for, you aren't being held hostage, chained to your desk. You can quit any time you'd like, go back to school and learn and different trade, go into a completely different field. YOU have control over your life, do something with it if you aren't happy where you are at in life.
I know perfectly well, one mo' time.... - Original Poster yet again
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that nobody is owed work. I know perfectly well nobody is owed money for nothing.

MY PROBLEM - why am I being called a no show when there is NO WORK?!

God, people, please read and comprehend the original post before ganging up on someone.
Maybe there was work during your shift and you didn't bother checking back??? - sm
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Did you email your team lead or your manager that there was no work? That should prove that you weren't a no show, right?
Girl, the entire shift w/emails. sm - OP
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I'll videotape it next time!!!!!
I have started my shift with work over 1 hr old. - see msg.
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I have seen stats well past the 15 minute TAT. Not everyone is doing their job. If you punch in the time clock shows you were punched in and ready to work. I agree email manager. Some people just love to complain whether it be the truth or not.
there are work labor laws that states if you are "SCHEDULED" to work and have no work, the - x amount of hours - holds true for production
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When you are an employee and scheduled to work, you DO NOT HAVE to CLOCK Out by law and sit and "WAIT" ON WORK To come in. You provide the work for said employee...

if you don't have the work then you have to supplement and pay like I said above.
This is true for IC pay- look up your laws honey. employee status is diff. - the minimum base pay
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Is there to protect people from making below minimum wage when the production is not enough to provide that minimum wage.
My problem is simply this - being accused of "no show" when there is no work to show - OP
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If you punched in on the time clock it would show - you were ready to work.
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They can't say you are a no show if you punched in. If you punched out and didn't check back, and there was work to do and you were not on and working, that is your fault and no one else's.

When there is no work I am supposed to clock out and get nothing - Original poster and also an ex lead

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Not sure about your MTSO, but that's the rule with mine. How can you work harder when there are no jobs available to work on?

I get ya, OP - fedupandmore

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I hate that everybody is attacking you when YOU have done nothing wrong. They need to get rid of the leads and supervisors who have no experience or people skills and replace them with people with management experience but are also humane!!! Fed up with imedx, can't wait to leave!
Thank you! The thing is, I have been a lead and - Finally someone who gets it
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during my lead days, I didn't hassle MTs for no-show when there was no work. I actually checked the system during the hours I was on duty.

For all of you attacking me thinking I'm expecting a payout when there is no work - OP

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Please read my post again.

To the OP - I feel ya

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I totally get your point. Why tattle when this is a non-issue. If there is no work, who in their right mind cares if you are a "no show" anyway.

I had my supervisor crack down on me a little bit recently because I didn't ask for time off properly (it was a last minute appointment) and that my time needed to be made up, blah, blah, blah. When I explained to her that Tuesdays, the day of the appointment, has been notoriously painfully slow for the past month or two, I didn't think it would be an issue, and furthermore, when could I say to her the time/day I would be making up the lines when my account in general had been incredibly slow and there has to be work available in order to make up the time. I think she "got it" at that point. I kept thinking "why are we even having this conversation."

Common sense people. The world needs more of it!

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