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Posted: Mar 08, 2013

Don't you just love it when you need something from a so-called Team Lead that shows available, but isn't answering their phone or IM? What milkers they are!! Get paid for running around doing their own thing!!

It runs both ways - Ex Lead

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Amen, Ex Lead. I, too, am an ex lead... - sm

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and all too many times had to call people asking where they were only to be told "Oh, she's out right now." This profession has been watered down by the least common denominator who now types/edits your hospital reports. An honorable work ethic has now been replaced by pajama wearing women who think they can type a report or two in between cleaning the house, watching TV or tending the kids.

I guess you get what you pay for. - nm

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You can't buy an honorable work ethic.... - sm
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you either have it or you don't. Also, anyone who sabotages their own company by not performing their job duties to the best of their ability each and every day and by maintaining a professional attitude has no right to moan and complain about how poorly they feel they are treated.
I see both sides and not sure why anyone has to be sniping at each other. sm - MT too long
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I have been in management and I have been a worker bee, and as with any profession, there are good managers and lousy managers, good employees and bad employees, etc. You are right, though, in that no matter what situation a person finds herself/himself in, he/she should give the company his/her best. I have found, though, in some companies, the more you give, the more they ask/expect, until finally you are left drained and burned out and hating every aspect of your job. My first full-time MT job, I had a wonderful supervisor -- very caring and encouraging, positive reinforcement, etc. When I found myself in a management position, I tried to be that same kind of supervisor, but unfortunately there were some who tried to take advantage and saw the kindness as an opportunity to manipulate and shirk off their duties. Although I try to be fair and give extra chances, I also have no problem firing those who deserve it.

It has been a long weekend and I apologize for my rambling. My point, if I have one, is that we don't need to be bickering with each other. There are good leads and bad leads, good and bad MTs. I personally chose to go back to being a worker bee because I didn't want the headache anymore of being responsible for others.

Think I'll start buying lottery tickets. That may be my only hope for the future with wages going down as they are.
You misunderstood. - MT
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That's not what I meant. What I mean is if MT companies paid a wage commensurate to the skill it takes to do this kind of profession, then the excellent, skilled, and "ethical" MTs wouldn't be leaving the profession in droves.

And what about the doctors? They are chewing/eating while dictating, talking on the phone, slamming things around, mumbling, burping, etc. etc. while they are trying to dictate a medical record. Is that "ethical" or respectful or professional??

Good gracious.
McDonald's employees are underpaid - Still not right to spit in your food
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Not being paid enough isn't an excuse to slack.
You are still misunderstanding. - MT
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Wow. Guess I am not making it clear. When companies pay peanuts, then the QUALITY of workers they get is less. There will always be exceptions, and I am sure there are some MTs who are underpaid and still have excellent work ethic despite the abuse. But, in general, if companies would pay what this work is actually worth, they would get and retain much higher quality employees. Is it really that hard to understand?

I am not saying being underpaid is an excuse to slack. IT IS NOT. I am saying that when you pay for professionalism, you get professional quality work. When you pay peanuts, you get slackers.

The really excellent MTs who are good at their work and love this profession can no longer afford to sit around and type for peanuts while their bills go unpaid and their children go hungry.
Has nothing to do with being "good" or not - Is THAT hard to understand?!
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You are way off - TOTALLY
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Oh brother. You are so way off. McDonald's employees are entry level positions and medical transcription is not. You are comparing apples and oranges here. You sound like a disgruntled ex-team lead IMO. Where do you get off? It's attitudes like yours that drive the MTs away besides the rotten pay from the MTSOs. I guess YOU, Ms Ex-Team Lead, are getting what you paid for?

You nailed it. - Ex Lead

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It's not fair to the ones who pull their weight either.

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