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Who on earth hires these hair-brained team leads? - mtfordummies

Posted: Jan 04, 2014

Every single team lead I have ever had has been a dim-witted numbskull. How the heck can they get these jobs?

If it's "every single" team lead, chances are - it is you, not them

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Maybe they should be asking how you got your job. I have been offered a team lead position, but if I have to have people who make such a rude and callous remarks like you just did, not so sure that would be in my best interest.

I really feel bad for team leads that have to have people with your attitude underneath them.

Agree!! - SM

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That is a good observation. If you have issues with all of them, the problem is most likely to be on your side.

Pfff! Been an MTlong? Numbskull team leads - are hired for that very trait.

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LOL - you're obviously one of the team leads, - as you have no clue of the MT

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Not the OP, and not who you are responding to, but it - it is indeed Every Single Lead

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then that would lead me to believe that the source is indeed the MT and not the leads. I've worked for several different companies and yes, I've had some doozies as team leads, but I've also had some very, very good ones.

The statistical chances of ALL of the team leads that you are getting being bad are slim, so the OP has to play at least a part.
I'm a hard worker, done MT for 35 years, and - in every case except ONE, the - SM
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person above the MTs was on a mission to make every single one look like the worst employee in the world. The only one that didn't wasn't a team lead, but an office manager on-site at a hospital. But the flunkies hired by subsequent managers to be team leads, ESPECIALLY those at services, were the worst of the worst when it came to knowing how to do their jobs. The bottom line is, they DIDN'T know how to do their jobs, and in order to try to hide that fact, they used every trick in the book to try to "prove" how bad the MTs under them were. I'm now back at a clinic, and it's the same story; the leader is clueless and overwhelmed by her responsibilities, and pushes her mistakes off on others.

It isn't just in MT that this happens, either. I think just about every office is run that way... the "old style" of management where making yourself look good at the cost of stomping on everyone beneath you is The Way. It makes me want to study management in school, if for no other reason than to see what the h__l they're teaching these people, because it's archaic, and it's NOT WORKING.
See the interesting book by - Val
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Robert L. Sutton, the No A***** Rule book.

Like I said - it is you, not them

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I was offered a position as a lead one time. And since you don't know me you have no clue. Been an MT for 17 years now. I've had a couple bad team leads, but I've also had some great team leads. My lead right now is an excellent team lead. She knows what she is doing, very helpful to all of us. She's very intelligent when I ask a question and if she doesn't know the answer she will get back to me with it.

You are the one without a clue. Not every team lead is what the OP claims. And instead of "chances are", like I said in my other post, you have confirmed that it is indeed the OP (or even you) and not the team lead who is the problem. Again, when someone says everyone else is, that is pretty much a dead give-away that the team lead is not the problem (i.e. the "hair-brained, dim-witted numbskull"). She probably also thought in school when she said 2+2 equals 5 and all the teachers said she was wrong that it was all the teachers fault, not hers. Everything is always someone else's fault, never taking responsibility that she is most likely part of the problem.

Who wants to work over someone with a snotty know-it-all, I am perfect attitude. Not me that's for sure.
Are you new here? (sm) - Rose
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I'm happy to read that you have a good team lead now, but with all due respect, that has not been the experience of most posters on this forum. I've worked as an IC as well as a transcription dept. supervisor at a couple of hospitals and taken as many management and supervisory courses in the last decade. What is taught is the exact opposite of how the majority of MTSO team leaders conduct themselves in a business setting.
I'd venture a guess that those bad team leads - never took any courses at all. nm
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I agree. I think they have an education in having money. (nm) - Rose
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I call my QA person "The Shredder", I'm so - depressed and I feel

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like I can't do anything right.

I totally agree with you. It's like the blame... - kshel

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ALWAYS has got to be someone else because they can't cut it. Sorry for the bluntness but the post set the tone with the unreal remarks. However, you I hope will take the job and do well.

They kiss up to the 'right' people, and they - sell their souls to the corporation. NM

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It goes way beyond team leads - onetiredmt

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In my company the problem stems from the VP and runs down from there. They are not qualified for the position in the first place, so in order to make themselves look better they have to beat down everyone below them. If you have a drop of common sense or a backbone you're not management material, at least at my company.

team leads? - Been there

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For one, they should not be called team leads. We individual MTs are not a team. We might be a member of a specific department, but we have no interaction with one another. We are out here on our own. No way to compare what is going on or compare circumstances and really unable to help others on our TEAM or get help from them. Good gravy have you ever been asked if you were a team player when you did not know your team mates? Everybody is held to a line rate when some get the worst dictators on the planet to deal with.

LOL. - In-House Lead

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I should have been more specific. - OP

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every team lead with the big 2 MTSOs. The team leads I had with independent companies had been fabulous and helpful. So, I suppose it's not just me after all, you haters who enjoy picking apart every single post a person makes. Again, ONLY THE TLs FROM THE BIG 2 MTSOs. You know, the ones who are so busy trying to climb the elusive corporate ladder they have forgotten about human compassion. So, there, I've thrown another bone for you to pick. Enjoy.

Actually, it's "hare-brained" - anon

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* * *

Is it really? Thanks. I never knew that. - OP

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I sooo much wanted to say that myself, but people get so weird about having the truth pointed out that I have just given up.

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