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Um, yes, she is a bad person - sm

Posted: Nov 3rd, 2019 - 12:09 pm In Reply to: Perspective - Mary

Take it from someone who worked for her for 12 years and knew her personally. She would scream, yell, verbally assault people, and act like a toddler having a temper tantrum whenever things didn't go exactly her way. She once had a total meltdown when there was no toilet paper in the office bathroom and went off on everybody. She has been screwing with payroll for YEARS. I'm talking well over a decade. This is FAR from anything new. It has simply gotten much worse as of late. All of the troubles that she is now having are a direct result of 22 years of complete lack of financial responsibility and accountability. She has been mismanaging and abusing company funds since the very beginning. She has had so many lawsuits against her over the years that I have lost count. She is a liar, a thief, and a fraud. What other MTSO owner can you say stole an entire transcription platform and had to be sued in order to get her to pay for it? LT did. One thing that you probably don't know about her is that she IS an ex-convict. She did time for credit card theft and fraud in the 90s before she started Keystrokes in 1997. She is one of the biggest narcissists that you will ever meet. LT only cares about herself and being able to maintain her lavish lifestyle. Everyone else can sit on the back burner as far as she is concerned. As long as she has her big, fancy homes, Florida condos, luxury cars, and extravagant vacations, screw everyone else. Bottom line - all of the stress that she has was brought on by one person and one person only - herself. She has literally no one else to blame.


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