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ME corrections - how to get them to be incorporated into speech - alphamt

Posted: Sep 21, 2010

I have had so many dictators dictating the same PE, etc. and have to continually change the same things.  Is there a way to make a heading such as CHEST from "the chest is..." work?  I have one doctor whose "dilutional" is always speeched as DELUSIONAL.  How can I make these corrections work.  Suspect it requires a call to SUPPORT with job ID, ad nauseum documentation. 

I suspect that only IT can re-correct these Speech errors, and not us as was originally explained.  Thank you for taking the time to explain this to me.

either make your own standard for this doctor - or

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for words like "delusional", add it to your shortcut expander with a letter Z after. Then, as you come along in ASR, add z, hit spacebar and it changes.

I did this for numbers one through ten as ASR always spells them out, so instead of highlight and correct, I just hit z space.

This way, on a report where you need delusional, it will not expand (or change) to dilutional because of the letter z.

expand with a Z--cool - Adios

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Great tip! I will definitely do this. Especially for numbers. It's a shame we have to come up with these things on our own, but a very cool solution.

Thank you so much.

Please somebody help me with this? - zeni

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Ok, I get the adding a "z" at the end of a word. But how do you quickly get to the end of that word? I can press ctrl-arrow key and get to the beginning of the next word, but what's the control to get to the end of a word? Hope somebody can help me with this.

no shortcut that I know of to get to end of word - or girl

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you could just go to beginning of next word and arrow back, or use mouse (hate relying on that thing), but I have done this for a couple years and I feel I do ok on ASR. Not horrible, not great.

I do this with a lot of the words that ASR refuses to change, like cabbage.

It will take a day to get used to it, but I promise it will become second nature or secondz (2nd) nature!!
Thanks, your tip worked great!....sm - zeni
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I tried going to the beginning of the next word and then pushing left arrow to go back and it works! Thank you!
Ctrl and arrow right - To get to end of next word
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Is that what you wanted?

Exam Expansion - MT

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I have as many "macros," as possible for physical exams. I highlight the ASR exam text, then just type whatever command for that dictator's exam, and it all pops us. Of course, I do a full listen and make any possible changes. I have more of these now than when I did straight typing. I really does help.

Not much you can do with delusional/delutional.

Delusional/dilutional - MT

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I stand corrected, there is something you can do with delusional/dilutional!

what? - MT2

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what can you do?
See poster "or" message - MT
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Poster "or" suggested placing in expansion file to change delusional to dilutional.

Thanks for the tips! Mademyday! nm - alphamt

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We were told that if we highlighted and retyped the - text correctly,

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ASR would eventually "learn" the correct way. Uh-huh. That has happened.

it will never happen... ASR will not learn - no matter what hoops we jump through

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We just have to learn to adapt around ASR.

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